Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] she do n't " in BNC.

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1 He pushed the dress free and lifted her into his arms , walking to the bed , and Maggie made a small whimpering noise she did n't even recognise , a softly feminine noise of submission .
2 Cowardly of her , no doubt , but for some odd , undefined reason she did n't want to meet his relatives .
3 So it 's a good job she did n't move on there .
4 I was- ’ She stopped as Ace and Petion came through the office door with a black man she did n't recognize .
5 An organiser said : ‘ She was having such a great time she did n't want to go .
6 Fernando turned to look at her and she lifted her head from his shoulder to stare wildly out to the horizon , so engrossed with yet another disturbing thought she did n't notice the curious expression on his face .
7 She was faintly conscious of being manoeuvred into a defensive situation she did n't deserve , but Karl had one arm hung over the side of the car , his sleeve rolled up to reveal a hard masculine arm and his brown eyes were smiling , one eyebrow slightly raised in an amused sort of way .
8 ( That was the only time she did n't use
9 Now I do n't know if you remember English Whites but Danny Baker once had a caller to 606 who claimed to have been setup for a blind date a few years ago , and when he met the girl in question , one of his mates says ‘ Bloody hell she does n't half look like that player ( Kenny ) who 's in the Blues ’ ( Brum City where he built his stout reputation ) .
10 But that particular day she did n't know beforehand , this was planned a few weeks in advance as you can imagine .
11 She spotted Adam almost as soon as she entered the club , but though he was sitting only a short distance away with a stocky sandy-haired man she did n't recognise , it took her some time to reach his table , since she was obliged to stop at every few strides to talk to customers .
12 But because she 's a young girl she did n't feel able to question what the doctor was doing , and let it go .
13 Madeleine kept repeating that she 'd get down to hacking back the brambles one of these days but on the other hand she did n't have the time .
14 She would n't rush back — that might imply she could n't wait to be with him again — but on the other hand she did n't want to leave it too long ; there were plenty of women , Melissa included , she had noticed , who had had their limpet-like eyes firmly glued to his face .
15 When she reached the main road she did n't know which direction to take , but seeing two men accompanied by two women she hurried to them and said , ‘ Would you , please direct me to the cab rank ? ’
16 Since Christmas day her feelings for him had been in such a chaotic state she did n't know whether she loved or hated him .
17 Only it is n't Dieter , it 's Alain Gebrec , but because of her dodgy eyesight she does n't realise her mistake . ’
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