Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] on [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The minutes of the annual general meeting held at Labour Club on Monday the seventh of December nineteen ninety two .
2 An unknown British gunner on board the Walrus tried to save the Navigator of the B-17 , but failed .
3 Other club business social evening on Monday the twenty first of December Mr would donate egg and cress sandwiches B W would donate cheese cheese and onion Wilf would donate boiled ham .
4 Def Leppard on every page , with a free pull-out on Mott The Hoople
5 She 'd spent her free morning on board the Kestrel , with Penny and Devlin , saying goodbye before they left .
6 ‘ There we hope to continue to push back the technological frontiers and reduce the 3D turnaround cycle even further by doing even more of the seismic processing on board the vessel , ’ he says .
7 After all , he was the chief scientist on board the boat , it was his $250,000 paying for this month-long expedition ( this research vessel cost $7000 a day to run ) , and he was getting a little nervous out there , all by himself , getting colder by the second and drifting away on a little piece of ice .
8 A serious fire on board the barge Memory means that it will be out of action for the rest of the season .
9 The royal couple found that seclusion at Broadlands , Earl Mountbatten 's home in Hampshire , where they spent the first three days of their honeymoon , followed by a leisurely Mediterranean cruise on board the royal yacht Britannia which they joined at Gibraltar .
10 When Graham Smith contracted cancer , she invited him and his wife on holiday to Necker in the Caribbean and also on a Mediterranean cruise on board the yacht owned by Greek tycoon , John Latsis .
11 The face of Gavin Lees just after a horrific attack on May the fifteenth this year .
12 A report in the Washington Post of April 10 said that the plan presented by Solomon outlined four distinct phases : ( i ) at the time of the signing of an international agreement on Cambodia the USA and Vietnam would enter into normalization discussions ; the USA would also officially approve visits by US business and veterans ' groups to Vietnam ; ( ii ) with the establishment of a US transitional presence in Cambodia , the US would partially lift its trade embargo against Vietnam and Cambodia ; the second phase would also require increased accounting for US MIAs ; ( iii ) the third phase would begin after the UN process in Cambodia had lasted at least six months and would include the establishment of US and Vietnamese diplomatic offices in Hanoi and Washington respectively , a full lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam and an easing of US opposition to international bank lending to Vietnam ; the third phase would also involve further substantial progress in accounting for US MIAs ; ( iv ) the final phase would follow UN-supervised elections in Cambodia and would include full normalization of US diplomatic and economic relations with Vietnam and Cambodia as well as support for international bank lending .
13 One of the course participants , production administrator Alison Bonham , commented : ‘ Each crew member was allocated a specific role on board the yacht after being assessed through answers given in a questionnaire .
14 The point is important , because much of the modern secondary literature on Charles the Bald 's reign , and on the Carolingians generally , has depicted the aristocracy as greedy and boorish , incapable of sharing the higher aspirations of kings or clergy , lacking any sense of public interest .
15 In a response to questions from the House of Commons select committee on energy the UK government stated on Nov. 24 that it was not yet fully committed to cutting the use of fossil fuel by 20 per cent ( as agreed at the Toronto conference in 1988 — see p. 36784 ) , on the grounds that this was an " arbitrary " figure , which was picked " without scientific evidence " .
16 I am a member of the Select Committee on Health and , as you know , the House has referred to the Select Committee on Privileges the important issue of the leaked report .
17 Now , that would have been a W I committee day so we 've had to alter the committee to the Tuesday , so I 'm afraid they 'll be no handy craft on Tuesday the first of December .
18 ITN sources say that the Prime Minister will consider this weekend whether to hold the General Election on April the ninth .
19 Again , however , with the arrival of general incorporation on registration the idea of public benefit as a specific precondition of corporate status disappeared .
20 The agreement by Italy to take back the toxic waste on board the Italian ship , the Karin B [ see p. 36788 ] , was followed on Dec. 15 , 1988 , by a decision by the city council of La Spezia , Italy , to accept the return of 8,000 barrels of Italian industrial waste , which had been found in a dump north of Beirut , the Lebanese capital , in June 1988 [ see p. 36251 ] .
21 THE only passenger on board the jumbo was a woman , it was revealed .
22 I want to try and get one before May before the exam , but there is a superb production on i the summer , it 's on June and July and it 's at an open-air theatre erm in Lincolnshire and what people do is they go and take a picnic and you sort of take your rug and sit there and cos it it 'll be hot in the summer it would be really nice and you watch it outdoors and it 's in this big stately home which is in it 's own grounds and there 's gift shops and restaurants and bars and obviously wo n't go in the bars but you know there 's lo it 's beautiful and like a big stately home you can wander round the gardens for a bit and then go and watch the performance and if it rains then there 's a canopy you can pull the canopy over like at Wimbledon and you know it 's a really nice day .
23 In order to strike the best possible bargain on setting-day the men might invent stories of difficulty and adverse conditions .
24 When I gave up cabaret , Roger became musical director on board the Canberra .
25 Ironically as the military band on board the Nevada , began the Stars and Stripes , a torpedo was aimed at Arizona and the enemy gunners sprayed the decks of the warships .
26 ‘ They include some startling revelations which throw new light on Elvis the man . ’
27 He has been given time to develop and in a recent interview on TV the trainer was even talking in terms of a possible Grand National victory .
28 In a new development on Thursday the court heard a conversation between Clay and Senator secretly taped in November nineteen ninety one as part of his cooperation with Federal prosecutors , during that conversation the lobbyist Clay boasted to his one time crony that Sharon , newly appointed by Governor Pete Wilson , was our girl .
29 As a result of the invasion , the Iraqui invasion on August the second , many economies , especially in the third world countries developing countries , have been affected a lot by this crisis , not only in terms of erm world trade , the international security , the stability in the world , stability in the international markets and so on so forth , but also with regard to the ruminations from the ex-patriots living in the gulf area in general .
30 The bald election result was bad enough , but then there were the personal touches : that brave but shattered look on Glenys ' face as Neil announced his resignation , the dreadful picture on the back of the Independent of a group of City dickheads celebrating their unexpected winnings , and the downright irritating news that my fellow chatterer on Stop the Week , Milton Shulman , had made a packet at Ladbroke 's predicting the correct result .
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