Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Several other chairmen wanted a concerted public admission that they too had inadvertently breached the regulations ( and it was indeed difficult to avoid technical breaches of the detailed regulations ) , but the choice was made rather to maintain a prudential low profile .
2 Some farmers have been so convinced by industry-generated publicity over the absence of a proper income that they just have n't bothered declaring any income .
3 Women are making such progress in the world of French crime that they sometimes seem to be monopolising the police report headlines .
4 Our participants had the clear perception that they also have powers within the classroom , conceived as a specific social setting , and they act to establish themselves and their powers .
5 Unhappily , in August 1991 , those friends informed the social worker that they no longer felt able to care for the children .
6 So successfully did they break into the English market that they soon put the native vineyards out of business .
7 Most of them are indeed trying to pull the ‘ off with the old , on with the new ’ wife replacement technique but they are in such an emotional mess that they subconsciously drive away any woman who tries to get close to them .
8 These are still only marginally emergent , and are under great pressure from the dominant forms of developed capitalist and state-capitalist modes , which often have the additional advantage that they effectively control the production and the directions of the newest technologies .
9 used to say , that cases used to come before her court in in Rochdale , and it was an absolute disgrace that they ever came to court .
10 Not all the causes he took up were quite the product of personal initiative that they later came to seem .
11 He had never invited anyone to dinner at the house , for the simple reason that they never had anything he could honestly call dinner .
12 Unlike professionals , most amateurs lack confidence on putts inside 10 feet for the simple reason that they never practise them .
13 and parents begin to give up on you becoming the little genius that they always hoped you 'd turn out to be !
14 Despite the squeeze on hospital budgets , health professionals visiting from the United Kingdom are likely to be struck more strongly in the leading New York voluntary hospitals by the relatively lavish level at which they are equipped than by their shortage of money , perhaps because they can shape the patient population that they actually serve to match the funding available .
15 The statesman as artist — God knows it is a dubious and dangerous idea , but to get rid of it Probably involves demoting statesmen and aspiring statesmen from the privileged position that they still enjoy in public estimation .
16 Normally they do so in such intimate contact that they immediately annihilate each other , because the force of gravity — and hence of antigravity — is weak over tiny distances when compared with the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force , which pull the particle and antiparticle inexorably together .
17 His winning formula has been to restore the houses in stages , a wing at a time : they are so attractive and such good value that they almost invariably sell before they are completed .
18 The Government are not about to hand out dollops of money so that inexperienced people can buy complicated equipment that they then do not know how to use .
19 In the light of all the sedentary interruptions from the Opposition , I would be interested to hear whether those hon. Gentlemen intend — in the unlikely event that they ever change places with us — to meet that shortfall , no matter how high the fees .
20 It is quite clear that most Canadian and American graduates speak perfect English , and it seems rather pointless to expect them to take an examination that consists of a test of English and of basic medical knowledge that they already have .
21 I am told that Piper were so glad to land this important order that they only charged an additional £5 per aircraft for the modification .
22 They may believe that this conflicts with the clinical autonomy that they traditionally enjoy .
23 Not only did the cost of supporting themselves during their training and pupillage deter would-be barristers from poorer back-grounds , but the anachronistic requirement that they then find a place in ‘ chambers ’ from which existing advocates were working inevitably favoured those with the right contacts or family connections .
24 This machinery is bulky and does little to provide the ‘ shock ’ to bones of earthbound exercise that they apparently require for health .
25 Eisenhower made the elementary point that they really should agree to stop such wasteful rivalry but they failed .
26 Yeah , a single strip that they actually just feed into the ring and then put the balls in .
27 The net effect of these injunctions ( as well as others we shall meet later ) is to ensure that the natural inability of human beings to respond ‘ perfectly ’ to all situations , however demanding or paradoxical , is construed by those human beings as clear evidence of personal inadequacy : they lack the ability , resilience or ready-made savoir-faire that they somehow ought to have , in limitless supply , if they are to be able to look themselves in the eye in the bathroom mirror each morning .
28 It was a magnificent fightback and such was Welsh distress that they never looked like preventing it .
29 Apollinaire describes Picasso 's method of work in this way : ‘ Using planes to render volumes , Picasso enumerates the different elements composing objects in such a complete and penetrating manner that they only assume the aspect of objects thanks to the spectators ’ efforts , who are of necessity aware of their simultaneity , precisely because of their arrangement .
30 Treasurers suffer the erm , the occupational hazard that they always , to some extent , have to cry wolf .
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