Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Furious at being treated as if she were a brainless bimbo , she raised her eyebrows , giving him back such a measured look that he actually coloured a little and moved away .
2 All I can do now is praise the NME for finally showing him to be the xenophobic shit that he really is .
3 Since the dividing line is somewhat hazy , check with your architect or other professional adviser that he/she fully understands the technical requirements .
4 It was a further proof of Thomas Carter 's blissful innocence that he evidently had no idea that his swimming-pool , tennis court , fitted kitchen and high-tech appliances were as contemptible to the class whose values he so admired as the Parsons ' van Gogh prints and Dacron three-piece suite .
5 So when my parent says to me , give those two units of parental investment that I just gave you , to , to offspring B I do n't want to , because the benefit to offspring B , or rather the genes I share with offspring B , does n't compensate sate me for the , for the sacrifice .
6 Dot 's heart began pounding , first with anxiety , then with an irrational hope that it just might be Mr Brown who was back .
7 I suddenly realized recently that I 'm so far short of having any kind of representational experience that I just do n't know what 's going on in this country .
8 It is a tribute to how far we have come already in theoretical physics that it now takes enormous machines and a great deal of money to perform an experiment whose results we can not predict .
9 Several other chairmen wanted a concerted public admission that they too had inadvertently breached the regulations ( and it was indeed difficult to avoid technical breaches of the detailed regulations ) , but the choice was made rather to maintain a prudential low profile .
10 Some farmers have been so convinced by industry-generated publicity over the absence of a proper income that they just have n't bothered declaring any income .
11 Women are making such progress in the world of French crime that they sometimes seem to be monopolising the police report headlines .
12 If you have upgraded to MS-DOS 5 then you have a free bonus that it almost worth the cost of the upgrade on its own — QBasic .
13 Our participants had the clear perception that they also have powers within the classroom , conceived as a specific social setting , and they act to establish themselves and their powers .
14 The old adage that you only get out what you put in becomes very meaningful and it is only too easy to miss an employee out of a list because a code has been entered incorrectly or because information is inconsistent .
15 And it was so lovely to see a bathful of hot water and a proper place that I almost did n't care .
16 It is to these experiences of unemployment and social security that we now turn .
17 The ‘ unit of desire ’ however , is admitted to be a presumption , but if it were possible to prove with scientific exactitude that it really existed then it would not be within the province of religion at all , but of science .
18 I assure my hon. Friend that I very much look forward to visiting his constituency and to meeting some of the industrialists whose interests he energetically represents .
19 Virtually noone at this level uses the high elbow that we commonly teach in the UK .
20 The constructivist thesis , it is argued , is not relevant because mental representations have not been defined away and replaced by talk of actions : we still have to say how mental life as we know it to be , with the representational character that we naturally give to it , relates to neuronal life .
21 The speaker 's failure to comment overtly on syntactic structure here can not of course be interpreted as reliable evidence that he habitually uses and understands the construction .
22 I can , however , reassure the hon. Gentleman that we regularly keep security matters under review and take all necessary further steps in the light of such reviews .
23 Amanda said she loved the live show , that Sandra was n't particularly attractive but had a great body and showed what good hair and good clothes could do , and then , in an off-hand comment that she probably regretted almost immediately , declared that if she was ever to sleep with a woman , it would be Sandra .
24 During lunch he treated Barbara with a grave courtesy that she later realized was a mask for his shyness .
25 It was against this densely-textured historical backdrop that I recently awaited the delivery of my own fax machine .
26 The bolt was on the door and the top was off the bottle of Old Bedwetter that I generally reserve for moments such as these .
27 We have also made it very clear that upon the signing of a cease fire , but not before , all coalition forces will be drawn back from Iraqi territory that we currently occupy .
28 Unhappily , in August 1991 , those friends informed the social worker that they no longer felt able to care for the children .
29 His success in London was immediate , and it is to the history and development of English painting that he subsequently belongs .
30 Nick was runner-up in the 200m individual medley and Susan was third in the 200m butterfly and although sixth in the 100m freestyle , such was the high standard that she still broke the Northumberland and Durham junior and senior open women 's records .
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