Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is this : that collective force should be trained against individuals only when some past political decision has licensed this explicit in such a way that competent lawyers and judges will all agree about what that decision was , no matter how much they disagree about morality and politics .
2 According to the Confession , God in his free and eternal counsel has predestined some men to everlasting life , some to everlasting death .
3 The failure to find broad patterns relating crime with social and economic change has led some scholars to examine in detail the possibility that government policy may have exercised an independent influence on patterns of crime .
4 Professor Wolfgang Wild , president of Munich 's Technical University has provided some pointers .
5 Because they are highly-trained professionals , prompt action has saved many innocent lives and accounted for terrorist gunmen engaged in the act of indiscriminate killing .
6 Now , extensive research has proved that quite wrong .
7 And dear old Sambo had provided more amusement by purloining the turkey , so that they had to eat the bread-sauce and chestnut stuffing without their raison d'être !
8 Brown Owl had put all three into the same Six and called them the Ghillie Dhu .
9 I am sure that if British Rail had done that , the ramblers would have been prepared to compromise .
10 Getting there swifter and more often British Rail has announced more services linking Cleveland with other parts of the region , and promised faster journeys from Darlington to Middlesbrough and Saltburn .
11 British Rail has allowed several mainline stations to be used as venues for the event , to raise money for the charity Buskaid , which aims to take classical music to the children of South African townships .
12 I am sure that British Rail has considered all the options and it may have asked the consultants to study alternatives .
13 I would like to thank the Curwen Archives Trust whose generous grant has made this publication possible .
14 The judge at first instance granted the injunction and the Court of Appeal upheld his decision , Lord Denning MR saying that there was no evidence that the blacking at the Daily Express had had any effect on the provincial dispute .
15 No randomised trial has shown such effectiveness .
16 I heard that an English scientist had done some useful work , so I decided to go to England .
17 Maluje 's spirited resistance had provoked such an uproar that the muzzled Supreme Court issued a habeas corpus order to locate him — the first against the Air Force since 1973 .
18 British research has made much use of the General Health Questionnaire ( GQH ) , which despite its name actually seems to index minor psychiatric morbidity ( ill-health ) .
19 German scholarship had done little to add to , and nothing to disrupt , the traditional European pattern of " philology " , as the study of classical antiquity was widely called ( and for a long time continued to be called ) .
20 It 's because of this DOUBLE TAX-FREE BENEFIT that the Inland Revenue has limited such investments to one per adult .
21 The Inland Revenue has published this extra-statutory concession to enable incapacitated persons in Scotland to hold Tessas .
22 The latter suffers from unstable mucosal contact , although the use of improved fixation techniques such as magnetic stabilisation has reduced this problem .
23 Although nuclear power provided 18 per cent of US electricity , public opposition had blocked any new projects since the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island , Pennsylvania , in 1979 [ see pp. 30287-90 ] .
24 Recent social research has dismissed such speculation .
25 Writing in 1783 , long before social anthropology had assumed any coherent shape or even possessed a name , the eighteenth-century French social philosopher , J. J. Rousseau proclaimed our guiding assumption : ‘ One needs to look near at hand if one wants to study men : but to study man one must learn to look from afar : one must first observe differences in order to discover attributes . ’
26 In the past , top management has avoided much contact with computer systems .
27 While English law has gone some way to providing a reasons requirement there are still significant gaps .
28 Old rednose has had many things said and written about him .
29 Foreign assistance has taken some of the strain off the Jordanian authorities ; with Canada now pledging two point two million dollars in aid , and the European Community committing itself to sending a further three point seven million dollars in food aid .
30 Mentally , she gave an ironical bow to whatever maliciously sadistic fate had done this to them , throwing them together and adding this towering , ungovernable desire to the other emotions existing between them , the hatred and resentment on her side , contempt on Luke 's .
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