Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] must have be " in BNC.

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1 However , " consistency " does not mean that the normal course must have been followed on the occasion in question , otherwise it would be impossible to argue course of dealing in the case where it is most relevant .
2 Isolated in the middle of the pacific Ocean , 3,200 miles from Tahiti , and with a sea-crossing of almost a month stretching out before him to the next port of call , Darwin 's stay in this inhospitable volcanic outcrop must have been one of the lowest points for him on the entire trip .
3 When William Burnes died at Lochlea in 1784 , John Tennant lent a horse to help to convey his body to Alloway for burial in the grounds of Kirk Alloway and memories of Alloway and the ruined kirk must have been recalled by both families when they met on that day .
4 TODAY 's pictures of Robert Maxwell 's sumptuous home must have been galling to MGN pensioners .
5 He instantly spotted the ‘ yorker ’ delivered by the man from BBC Wales — in effect , that the England match could not have been one he expected to win at the start of the season , therefore the Scottish match must have been on the credit side of the ledger .
6 No one knew for certain what volume of water was pent up , but the old mine must have been full to the random of the 17th Century Cobblers Level .
7 I extraterrestrials visited humanity in the very early days of our species , the cultural impact must have been major — unless , that is , the extraterrestrials have the common sense not to interfere too much with whatever level of civilisation the existed .
8 ‘ Old Darlington was quite some place to live in and I reckon daily life must have been some sort of gamble , ’ said Joan .
9 At the time of his arrival , the prohibitions of lay investiture and clerical homage must have been fresh in Anselm 's mind , and it is unimaginable that he should not have discussed the whole question with one of the main agents of the new policy .
10 After this beginning some light relief must have been welcome .
11 And only after he had paid back every penny of his debt on the new barrow and been left with hardly any spare cash to talk of did he begin to realise just how good a costermonger the old fellow must have been .
12 It is hardly likely that Roe 's pump was still in working order , assuming it was left in , and a fresh unit must have been brought on site .
13 However , in this chapter we have identified certain reservations about the models of teaching commended during the period under discussion , and to the extent that teachers felt obliged to implement these the effectiveness of enhanced staffing must have been blunted .
14 A. Raistrick ( in Two Centuries of Industrial Welfare ) considers that the period of the Royal Mines Copper — forerunner of the famed London Lead Co. — was from 1692 to 1704 , but the actual conception must have been earlier than this , as the following shows .
15 The entire college must have been humming with gossip and speculation .
16 It is n't true that the whole perfect work must have been achieved simultaneously .
17 By placing a low upper limit on the density of such black holes , the observations will indicate that the early universe must have been very smooth and nonturbulent .
18 Effectively this means that the previous dealings must have been on the same terms and a consistent procedure must have been followed .
19 An ordinary person must have been put out by this .
20 The sadness and disappointment of this lost generation must have been a salutary warning to younger students not to follow the party unquestioningly , otherwise they too could have their lives wasted .
21 Many a promising liaison must have been nipped in the bud by Algernon being a duffer at flower arranging or breaking the significant corn stalk with a clumsy tweak ; and many a passion choked to premature death because Augusta absentmindedly pinched the petals off her posy of moss rosebuds and myrtle .
22 That unedifying but intriguing little episode must have been round the Lab within minutes of its happening .
23 In ancient times this magnificent monument must have been much admired and it is hardly surprising that Imhotep was remembered as a great man and eventually became a god .
24 As far as most nineteenth-century thinkers were concerned , it was obvious that the driving force of human evolution must have been a steady expansion of the brain , which merely continued the progressive thread that ran through the whole evolution of life .
25 But voters whose preferences have been distributed between these two parties will have been doing no more than indicate acceptable alternatives , of which the basic pattern must have been , " Let that candidate of Party B have my vote IF and only IF my higher preference for this candidate of Party A has not been effective " .
26 The trapped feeling must have been because she had been indoors for a long time .
27 This independence and opportunity for large profit must have been the most important distinction between riches and grinding poverty and must have played a greater part in creating the economic hierarchy of rural society than any other factor .
28 Even the sight of a national candidate must have been a rare and unusual occasion .
29 In the other the Lapith 's left hand must have been gripping the Centaur 's head ( lost ) while with his right he thrusts a weapon into the breast of the creature , who yet will not let go of his prize with either hand though with both hers she tugs at one .
30 By the middle of 1802 , as the family house and shop passed into other hands , Ben was left alone with only sisters for company ; Elizabeth , the eldest , had very recently married , and little brother must have been in imminent danger of succumbing to the petticoat government of Mary and Sarah .
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