Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is precisely the woman or girl who is ignorant and gullible enough to believe tales of this kind who is ripe for sexual exploitation and whom the section should be most geared towards protecting .
2 Er the sl the pitch is slightly different because you 're describing a different product and what the benefits are .
3 They sent matched pairs of simulated curriculum vitaes — one bearing an English name and one an Asian name — in response to 23 advertisements for senior house officer posts .
4 This may involve challenge and competition , finding out who is the apparent top dog and who the underdog .
5 While Liz was nibbling pistachio nuts , surveying dominions , Shirley , hot , red and angry ( but not appearing to be angry ) was listening yet once more to her mother-in-law 's description of her digestive system and what the doctor had said about the swelling of her legs , a commentary which followed closely upon her complaints about the absence of her two older grandchildren who had ( in Shirley 's view very wisely ) buggered off to a disco at Maid Marian 's Nitespot .
6 Normally , paired exposures are made , one showing the transmitted light view and one the CL view .
7 She did n't mind that , though sometimes she had a prevision that one day , when he was a rheumy old lion and she a worn-out , weary lioness , she might mind it very much .
8 All the first generation peas in Mendel 's experiment received one A from their tall parent and one a from their short parent .
9 Traditionally , the notion of personal response and what the Newbolt Report called ‘ literature as a living thing ’ were regarded by all schools as at the heart of English study , but there is no place for them in Zapp 's perspective .
10 This is a matter of personal conscience and what every member in the council chamber today must be aware of , is that there is a vociferous and committed group of people we know that because we 've all had a great deal of communication from them and interestingly enough I have and most of the communication I 've had has been in favour so victory , people who write must be extremely perceptive in , with er marketing the that 's not the point , we all know that there is a committed and vociferous group of people whose consciences do not lead them to the same conclusions as Mr 's conscience and the issue really is , do we in a liberal and democratic society have the right to impose our consciences on those of other people who live in the community and quite clearly and quite determinedly take a different view .
11 Custodial Investments are essentially bearer instruments and readily disposable investments held for a client and which are neither the subject of a discretionary management agreement nor held in connection with any personal appointment and which the firm can sell without the client needing to authorise such sale .
12 An 8-horse bet and everyone a winner .
13 An enclosed community guards and cares for an enclosed community and we the public gladly subcontract this duty , hoping that it will be carried out unseen and unheard .
14 The intention is simply to provide a relaxed mood and everything a gent could need — so the store will stock suits , jackets , shirts , cufflinks , ties , knitwear , underwear , dressing gowns and pyjamas .
15 ‘ Oh aye , ’ said one of the aunts , who was scrutinising a dicky-looking mussel , as if it were a suspicious traveller and she an immigration officer .
16 There was an elected parliament in which the Wafd was now the country 's leading party and which the Wafd was now the country 's leading party and which Zaghlul , who was opposed to Faud , dominated until his death in 1927 .
17 What they think of current provision and what the main gaps are , both now and in the future , and the outcome will be a five year advice development strategy , which will be publishing to guide both N C V O and other providers and funders .
18 It is important , however , to distinguish between the current situation and what the future holds .
19 Its a very stressful situation and its a very artificial situation , very often your on your own and there 's a lot of things happening , your in busy traffic or your on a very dangerous road or whatever and I think sometimes and I 'm not saying there 's any difference between male and female as far as that 's concerned but I think its a way of your , getting your er aggression out
20 Lousy film and what the hell is going on here ?
21 They can payout 15 per cent in a good year and nothing the next .
22 She marched past Elinor 's bed into the library ; in front of the large window that overlooked the sea was the wooden kitchen table upon which Elinor had written Deadly Fortune and her every book since .
23 This practice , which is much more common in the United States , has acquired its own descriptive term , ‘ defensive medicine ’ , a term suggestive of the notion that an unnecessary and destructive tension exists between what the doctor thinks is good medicine and what the law requires of him .
24 I was responsible for her very existence and her every form came straight out of my heart . ’
25 Christopher Gore , the son of a nuclear scientist and himself a brilliant academic , waited patiently to be let in to Bristol Crown Court , where he was to be accused of killing his father and his mother .
26 Miss J. has pretty well run him and now he 's doing a roaring trade and has just married a daughter of Lord Lytton , he 's evidently right in with the right lot of people … and what a God 's mercy that for once in a way these people have got hold of the right man and what a thing for England . ’
27 Chain was the son of a Russo-German industrial chemist and himself a Ph.D .
28 The findings are interpreted in vigorous fashion ( e.g. ‘ At its baldest , men 's needs came before women 's regardless of who was the disabled person and who the carer ’ , p. 57 ) .
29 The third paper assessed cognition and psychiatric symptoms in fifteen patients given a trial of clozapine ( thirteen had schizophrenia , one a schizoaffective illness and one an unspecified psychosis ) .
30 He knew that it would make her feel inferior and stupid and insignificant beside the sultry Domino and her no doubt dazzling sexual experience !
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