Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv prt] of an " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It just sounded really funny coming out of an ambient track .
2 I 'm only an 'omeless girl out of an orphanage ; you 're the clever one .
3 Yet even though Daniel had spread himself as far as he could , including making himself a primitive chapel out of an east-facing bedroom , there was still a good deal of vicarage left over .
4 Teacher-student interaction is present and the actual carrying out of an online search increases the students ' understanding of the concepts of information retrieval .
5 Peter Mantle thinks so , and MEG is heartened by the fact that the handful of farmers in the area who are sitting on the fence and hoping to make a fast punt out of an imminent El Dorado are outnumbered by a mass of people for whom gold holds no allure .
6 The cost of bus fares for a family to visit their grandmother takes a disproportionate slice out of an income support ( formerly supplementary benefit ) Giro .
7 The problem is that we as a nation continue to expect a clinical quart out of an economic pint .
8 Football fever got to us and Brian fashioned a small ball out of an old pair of underpants and a defunct blindfold .
9 Janet Willcock accused the RUC of ‘ trying to make a sectarian event out of an occasion which was intended to symbolise the non-sectarian nature of the ideals of Connolly ’ .
10 An arch makes an elegant feature out of an opening between two rooms .
11 Squeezing even a modest improvement out of an airframe design is not easy .
12 Professor Ivan Smith was prompted to make his accident findings public after the recent shooting down of an Italian plane over Bosnia .
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