Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb -s] that it " in BNC.

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1 Its prevailing whiteness implies that it , too , sees black women as black , not women .
2 ‘ This private industry fears that it may be sacrificed to make room for more deep-mined coal production .
3 A perusal of the French text shows that it uses the phrase ‘ exigences importantes ’ , which appears to bear a family resemblance to the phrase ‘ exigences impératives ’ used in the french texts of judgments following the Cassis de Dijon case law and rendered into English as ‘ mandatory requirements ’ .
4 He said that he got back by one , but the old baker claims that it was after two when he saw the van in Prospect Terrace .
5 Yet British Rail says that it will have to offer temporary rehousing for an extended period to many people who will be next door to the works because of the extent and nature of the noise and vibration that they will experience .
6 English Heritage says that it will now be talking to its advisory committees .
7 10.6 Where , exceptionally , the Director of Social Work considers that it is not possible to redeploy the employee within the Department , the full circumstances of the case will be forwarded to the Personnel Manager who will circulate details to other Heads of Department , in an appropriately confidential manner , with a view to identifying suitable vacancies for the employee in question .
8 And yes , Micro Focus says that it will be using Object-Oriented Cobol internally .
9 Historical evidence suggests that it is not the absolute level of unemployment which restrains wage claims but its rate of change .
10 If the hon. Gentleman thinks that it is not , why does not he have the courage to stand up and say so ?
11 I am sure that the hon. Gentleman agrees that it is crucial that approved contractors are used to ensure that the work is done to the highest possible standard .
12 The hon. Gentleman suggests that it was a bogus sham .
13 I can not promise a statement , but the hon. Gentleman knows that it will be possible for him to raise the matter at other times , such as on the Adjournment .
14 The hon. Gentleman knows that it would be more than my job was worth to attempt to go back on undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend .
15 ( 3 ) An action of which the value ( defined below ) is less than £25,000 shall be tried in a county court unless : ( a ) a county court considers that it ought to transfer the action to the High Court for trial and the High Court considers that it ought to try the action ; or ( b ) it is commenced in the High Court and the High Court considers that it ought to try the action ( art 7(3) ) .
16 ( 3 ) An action of which the value ( defined below ) is less than £25,000 shall be tried in a county court unless : ( a ) a county court considers that it ought to transfer the action to the High Court for trial and the High Court considers that it ought to try the action ; or ( b ) it is commenced in the High Court and the High Court considers that it ought to try the action ( art 7(3) ) .
17 ( 4 ) An action of which the value is £50,000 or more shall be tried in the High Court unless : ( a ) it is commenced in a county court and the county court does not consider that the action ought to be transferred to the High Court for trial ; or ( b ) the High Court considers that it ought to transfer the case to a county court for trial ( art 7(4) ) .
18 Everything that Labour says about public spending shows that it is completely indifferent to inflation , which would have a bad effect on unemployment .
19 The British government says that it finances nine projects , including a recently opened satellite station in Nepal , and that it sees no necessity for a separate fund .
20 British Coal says that it is not worried by the change because these days it considers only projects which beat 8% by a decent margin .
21 Forget the doubters : British Coal knows that it has only one way to go , and that is forward .
22 Nevertheless , the fact that in recent years some clinicians have had cause to question the cultural background suggests that it can no longer be neglected .
23 Recent analysis of the impact of retirement on personal adjustment suggests that it is less aversive than many have assumed .
24 The most complicated detailing can be formed on site and Sarnafil 's real flexibility means that it can be used where conventional products would fail or be totally impractical .
25 Unless , therefore the guarantee was void as having been made for an illegal consideration or voidable on the ground of economic duress , the extrinsic evidence establishes that it was supported by valid consideration .
26 A The word ‘ Reserva ’ on the label of a bottle of Spanish wine indicates that it has undergone a special ageing process over five years .
27 Then , just as you are seduced into believing all is Cocteau-calm , the tempo jumps up a gear , the guitars rev into psychedelia and pure white noise signals that it 's time to go and get dressed .
28 The product will initially be available for FDDI only , but according to Mike Patricks , DEC 's wide area networking marketing manager , the switch is capable of accepting an Asynchronous Transfer Mode module , and its multi-switching capability means that it will not be limited to one device .
29 A second inscription on the opposite side reveals that it had been given as a wedding present to the employer himself in 1838 .
30 The National Gallery asserts that it was always the intention of Kramar to donate the collection in its entirety to the Czechoslovak State .
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