Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] me " in BNC.

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1 Well tough he 's not getting my , he 's not getting the ensuite room , I can tell you If I if I have got three lodgers and I 'm getting on with them and they 're they 're paying me regularly for the sake of an extra twenty pounds or whatever and the annoyance from Tony coming in at ten a or there abouts and then sitting there like a stuffed frock waiting for me to leap about and put food on a plate and microwave it not doing it , Brenda !
2 I do n't want your old man gunning for me when you get drowned or brained by a tree trunk doing ten knots . ’
3 A Swedish couple and a German guy sitting near me were on their feet , that sickened expression on their faces too .
4 I 've got my er seventeen year old granddaughter staying with me for the time being
5 ‘ Because , ’ Polly said crisply , ‘ you 've just spent the entire day yelling at me , and telling me how slow , clumsy , and generally useless I am . ’
6 It was a meadow ready for cutting and suddenly I realized that it was high summer , the sun was hot and that every step brought the fragrance of clover and warm grass rising about me into the crystal freshness of the air .
7 I suppose we say it 's a nightmare — it gets a little bit electrifying to me because Chelsea is the accolade of the world and everyone 's expecting their best at Chelsea and which we attempt to do every year .
8 The WAAF suddenly wound the chair back and I found myself in the semi-prone position with the white bulk looming over me .
9 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
10 I can hear the little chaplain sniggering at me , the loathsome turd !
11 As I did so I became aware of a youngish man with long hair looking at me from the pavemented walk on the Hammersmith side of the river .
12 Nine o'clock on the late show babysitting for me all this week , Adrian and then one o'clock till six o'clock during the early hours of Thursday the fifteenth of July , to keep you company , it 's Mark .
13 ‘ Would you kindly explain to me why you have allowed a confidential document belonging to me to fall into the hands of a junior member of my staff ? ’
14 strange woman talking to me or whatever you know
15 For at last the witch was weakened by Carmellina 's guile , and hoisted her to her feet , and pulled her over to the window and pointed down the stony path that led to one of her lair 's doors , and to the Indian fig cacti growing there in bat-eared monster shapes , and said , ‘ I 've always fancied a new little number , made to measure , of stuff woven from prickly-pear skins , bit of red for excitement , but mainly green , it 's so elegant , do n't you think , with long sleeves and a full skirt sweeping around me , with a bit of a train … .
16 Rather a dreary , grey looking place not very eye catching to me but that did n't matter the next eight hours ' driving did .
17 ‘ When I saw Honey End and Greek Scholar coming at me I did n't think they could catch up but I gave Foinavon one more slap just in case as we jumped the last .
18 I tried to banish the idea of a drowned Shelley by conjuring up the memory of Mary stepping into Lake Geneva and looking back at me over her shoulder ; instead came a more ferocious image — that of a gigantic man leaping towards me : not the best picture to help one through these present circumstances .
19 There 's a beautiful world waiting for me out there .
20 Well I remember a doctor and a rich man saying to me , I 'm gon na get out of this place , it 's just like a
21 All in all it was with a feeling of indescribable joy that on the sixth day I saw a familiar figure coming towards me among the prompt arrivals .
22 ‘ Well , ’ the Doctor began , ‘ first I 've got your General Fakrid barking at me to find a way to polish off these eight twelves .
23 I held her to me as we fell across the bed , feeling her lithe life-force twitching against me as beautiful as a rainbow trout , leaping from a mill race into my outstretched arms .
24 At one point a uniform sergeant listening to me discuss some tactic , gloomily pointed out that my style was not theirs ; but then , he rationalized , ‘ how could it be , you 're from the north side of the river ’ .
25 I turned back to find Yvonne 's grinning face looking past me in the same direction .
26 Listen to the slosh-slosh-slosh , feel the rocking motion floating through me as if I 'm part of it — close my eyes — I 'm on my rocking chair and I 'm …
27 I 'm gon na be here all night with that little red book waiting for me to come over !
28 I know another one — a friend of mine said : ‘ There 's a young PC lodging with me and he 's got all sorts of new ideas .
29 Then to a new home waiting for me .
30 I turned towards the voice and saw a slender young woman hurrying towards me .
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