Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A three-book course adapted for Arabic students from the author 's WE MEAN BUSINESS and WE 'RE IN BUSINESS ( qv ) .
2 The technical term used for this cash limit is the external finance limit ( EFL ) , reflecting its rather different status .
3 The specific term used for such an exercise is ‘ one-step semi-free sparring ’ .
4 ‘ Materials unaccounted for ’ is the specific term used for any kind of discrepancy between the book inventory and the actual inventory . ’
5 The specific methodology required for these computational techniques involve concepts from the theory of games , control and optimization theory .
6 The premium level needed for this purpose was not yet known .
7 In 1987 , the last year for which complete figures are available , foreign investment accounted for 7.6 per cent of US stocks ( up sharply to 8.9 per cent last year ) , while foreign share of US manufacturing was 12.2 per cent , and of US employment a much smaller 3.5 per cent .
8 An 18 year old girl treated for five years with a lazative containing danthrone died from a leiomyosarcoma of the small intestine .
9 The table shows the unusually large share of social product used for national defence and administration .
10 This schlocky international movie , photographed in eye-straining colour , cashing in ( figuratively speaking ) on the craze for James Bond pictures , was shot in three languages with a different director credited for each version — Stanley Prager ( English ) , Dan Ash ( Italian ) and Giorgio Gentil ( Spanish ) .
11 His quick tactical eye allowed for subtle opening and middle game combinations , in which resourceful and original moves often took his opponents by surprise .
12 Government revenue was projected to rise by 3.9 per cent to 454,900 million kronor ( of which one-third would come from value added tax revenue ) and expenditure to rise by 3.4 per cent to 455,500 million kronor ( of which social welfare accounted for 28 per cent and education and interest on public debt each accounted for 13 per cent ) .
13 The next level up is the Mach 2 , which builds on the Mach 1 by doubling the basic amount of logic with the same pin-count , and with an additional buried macrocell added for each output .
14 A meal provided through the Meals on Wheels Service will provide one third of the daily intake required for good health , and to ensure that you get most benefit from your meal , it should be eaten as soon as it is delivered to you .
15 This currency could be accumulated by holding , for example , the proceeds of foreign trade sold for foreign currency .
16 Full members are able to submit paintings for inclusion in the twice-yearly exhibition held for two weeks each Spring and Autumn .
17 For instance , if children are not out of care within six weeks after reception into care , research tells us that they have a 60 per cent chance of still being in care after two years , a finding that has clear implications for the resources and inter-agency co-operation needed for many social work clients .
18 Under Napoleon I the French government published for several years , until its suppression in 1810 , an English-language newspaper , the Argus , in an effort to undermine British influence in continental Europe .
19 The Elizabethan admiral was ‘ war' and wakin' ’ on that March weekend in 1942 when the navy 's little ships — lightly built wooden craft designed for high-speed attacks rather than close-quarters work — stormed into St Nazaire with their landing parties .
20 He puts great emphasis on the difficulties of prediction , and urges that where there are rules to which people do in fact adhere for the most part , and which help maintain the social stability required for any kind of good to flourish , we are likely to come nearest to doing what is objectively right ( in terms of its actual consequences ) if we also stick to the rules , but that where the rules , however useful they would be if generally obeyed , are widely flouted we should make a direct judgement of what will have the best consequences .
21 Foreign capital accounted for half the new capital in industry between 1909 and 1913 , and on the eve of the war 47 per cent of the joint-stock capital in Russian industry was foreign owned .
22 The minimum social information required for each speaker was ( approximate ) age , sex , housing type and ( where possible ) occupation .
23 ( 1986 ) , for example , found that of the 450 children coming into care in five local authorities in England and Wales , residential care accounted for 51 per cent of all admissions ( p. 80 ) .
24 During the period of their maturing , Roman capitals were introduced , and humanistic cursive became a popular hand used for private correspondence between people of sensitivity and learning .
25 In Scotland and Wales public pressure developed for more independence than could be gained from decentralized administration .
26 Then night time , when dad would bank it up with duff-mucky coal saved for this .
27 Runciman had sympathisers within the Federation in favour of a more liberal approach which , he believed , would bring a ready response from Wilson , but they were in a minority to those dominated by the formidable George A. and Cuthbert Laws , father and son , whose implacable anti-union line prevailed for more than a quarter of a century .
28 But the Champenois were not unprepared : many houses were able to seal up their cellars ; those wishing to escape German occupation left for southern France , while others remained organising themselves into an effective network of resistance , the extent of which was unknown even to most Champenois .
29 Malcolm Conway Graham , 41 , a Kent residential social worker jailed for five years for having unlawful sex with two teenage girls in his care , was cleared in respect of one girl .
30 Servicing of the foreign debt accounted for most of the increase in spending .
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