Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb past] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bill says the Lorrimores ’ private car got detached from the train on Sunday evening .
2 Peggy Mitchell , seated at the rear of the Variety Tent , sighed in sympathy as , one after another , the right card failed to appear from or disappear into the deck .
3 On July 1 the South Korean Foreign Ministry had departed from its previous position by announcing that it was willing to discuss nuclear non-proliferation with the North .
4 The Scottish accent seemed to come from the other side of the crowd .
5 The Labour share of the popular vote had fallen from 50.4 per cent in 1945 to 49.2 per cent , but the party had lost nearly 100 seats .
6 It was also evident that those departments which had made a strong case for improved resourcing had gained from the appraisal .
7 Not for the first time , Lucien wondered exactly what it was this peculiar boy hoped to gain from dragging his history out of him .
8 Throughout this period , marine ecology remained isolated from other branches of the science .
9 Even though Churchill was appointed as one of the presidents of the Movement , it was at this point that British leadership began to disappear from the unity movement .
10 In less than 30 years , the British economy had declined from being one of the strongest to one of the weakest in Europe .
11 Lawrence Eagleburger , the US Secretary of State , admitted in a speech to the assembly that past " errors " in US foreign policy had come from viewing the problems of the region through the " sometimes distorting prism of the Cold War " .
12 In Vietnam the government reckoned that the total forested area had fallen from 43 per cent of the country 's area in 1943 to 29 per cent , although the Resources and Environmental Research Centre in Hanoi put the true figure possibly as low as 20 per cent .
13 Public spending had risen from 40 per cent to 45.5 per cent of gross domestic product in 1974–6 , partly through heavy industrial subsidies and the cost of maintaining the ‘ social wage ’ through the social security system .
14 But even incinerated household rubbish , the cleanest sort , that a British firm planned to import from Zurich angered towns near the intended burial site .
15 It was the prelude to a period of closer co-operation in the Middle East which began to break up only in the later 1960s when the British government decided to retreat from most of its " East of Suez " commitments .
16 In many respects this was a return to the position of the very last years of the fourth century ; the establishment of arian kingdoms on Gallic soil had removed from the catholic bishops sole authority over the definition of the Christian community , and it was only the conversion of Clovis and the expansion of the Frankish kingdom which gave the ecclesiastical hierarchy the authority once more to define the Christian life for all the members of the State .
17 The Marine account continued to benefit from rating action and again reported substantial premium growth .
18 The average circulation of the Daily Worker had risen from 30,000 to 70,000 in the same period , while at weekends and on special occasions sales of over 100,000 had been achieved .
19 His principal sexual enjoyment seemed to come from sleeping with young boys and his one foray into a heterosexual relationship ended dismally with his middle-aged paramour complaining , ‘ I ca n't seem to make him understand that biting 's no good . ’
20 When the energetic Governor-General Paul Doumer ended his five-year term of office the Vietnamese contribution to public expenditure had increased from an estimated 35 m. gold francs at the time of the French conquest to something like 90 m .
21 The French breed used hailed from north-east France .
22 McErlean , 26 , the husband of a former Sinn Fein councillor , was ambushed by Loyalist hitmen as he and his teenage brother drove to work from his home in Dunloy , Co Antrim .
23 While all of Alcatel 's European subsidiaries compete for business among themselves , the Spanish subsidiary had benefited from good political relations between Spain and China , he said .
24 Peals of deliriously relieved laughter threatened to burst from her throat .
25 Transfers from elsewhere within the UK amounted to 18 per cent and only a tiny proportion had come from abroad .
26 It was as if a blinding sun had emerged from behind a black cloud .
27 This coincided with their belief that the ordinary person wished to travel from and arrive at great palaces which , with their concourses , restaurants , shops , information centres , medical facilities , theatres , and ( later ) cinemas constituted virtually civic centres or forums , an impression heightened by the fact that they were often also used for political speeches .
28 As she whimpered and writhed beneath him , her legs wound around his shoulders , she found his oily prong kept slipping from her .
29 And then an impatient male voice had shouted from the cockpit above .
30 Iain had been telling us how ten to fifteen thousand years ago early man had crossed from Mongolia to Alaska by way of the Aleutian chain of volcanic islands and then , over a period of some five millennia , had worked his way down through North and South America until finally he had reached Tierra del Fuego , living out the winters virtually naked except for the natural hair of his body .
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