Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a light lunch we would siesta in our bedroom , and not emerge until sunset .
2 You complain how seldom I attend you , and when you are always talking of matrimony or this low-born raw girl it must needs lessen the pleasure of approaching you .
3 Organic Food You Can Trust lists shops , wholesalers and market stalls .
4 I really could I said to him if you do n't shut your bloody gob I 'll belt you one .
5 So having diffused to the endoplasmic reticulum it can gate open the calcium channel , and this leads to an elevation of internal calcium , not from the external medium now , but from internal stores .
6 If they discovered evidence of share dealing ahead of the takeover by individuals using confidential information they would institute more formal inquiries .
7 I 've enjoyed having you here , and in a small way it will sort of thank David , make it up to him by having his granddaughter to stay .
8 I find it 's very difficult in these ovens to , you know a normal oven you could sort of put things to the bottom that you 've already done .
9 Sometimes when I , I write a poem I want to create a particular mood erm giving the piece erm a shape , a , a definite shape or just a shadowy shape erm and the overcoat in er Bon Jour Monsieur Gaugin , I found very , very expressive and the starting point for , for this particular poem I 'll hand this round to you know , with the name of the , the front , right I do n't , has anybody , if you already know this picture , does anybody actually know it already ? , no I start with the overcoat obviously erm very expressive , not just because it was , people wear over , overcoats in cold days , but it was the size of the coat and the shape of it and , and it gave me a weight , I felt , er I felt a very definite mood erm about this picture because of the coat and it was a , er a ejective mood that I , that I felt from that , and the stick in the erm hands of the women over the bridge gave me the sound for , for this poem would you like me to read as the , the thing being passed around , would that be ok ?
10 But to a passing journalist he would free-associate in a way which would have held Freud entranced .
11 There is no stimulus for the imagination and like any other muscle it can atrophy from lack of use . ’
12 We need every handsome new face we can grab– do n't we , Alec ? ’
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