Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 ( That 's all from the Central newsroom until 6.15am on GMTV .
2 You are invited to send a representative to meet the Japanese team at 12.15am on 23 March at British Gas Bristol North District offices .
3 The four — and a sick Jon Tinker who had been unable to accompany them on the summit bid — scrambled from the disintegrating tent at 9am on Christmas Eve and fled downhill .
4 feel more vulnerable living in here on your own ?
5 But the continuing slowdown in the economy , coupled with a rise in unemployment to an all-time record of just on 3 million ( 10.5 per cent of the workforce ) , has pushed these concerns into second place .
6 Open seven days a week with a late night to 8pm on Thursdays , Sunday is one of the busiest days , mainly because the whole family can come in and browse .
7 About a hundred yards from the village we came under automatic fire from somewhere on our left , and continued the rest of the way walking in the ditch .
8 ‘ You 've been sitting in that damned cottage for nigh on a year and you 've become a coward .
9 That they never bore fruit was due as much to Bolshevik neglect of them as to the eventual insistence from above on the abolition of the private farms .
10 Cocoa prices in 1989 also tumbled to a 14-year low owing to the sixth consecutive year of oversupply on the world market ( estimated at between 100,000-154,000 tonnes for 1989-90 ) ; failure to agree on the minimum price to be defended and continuing problems stemming from unpaid producer levies , estimated in 1989 to be well over $100,000 million .
11 Henceforth each successive royal election provoked party conflicts and personal intrigues which often led to civil war , as well as pressure and even forcible intervention from abroad on behalf of competing candidates .
12 Because most of the closest-fought states are in the Eastern Time zone , American TV networks expect to be able to forecast the final result from 2am on Wednesday .
13 Undeniably the birth certificates of such as Jeff Probyn , Wade Dooley , Mike Teague and Peter Winterbottom have taken on a new significance since 4.30pm on Saturday .
14 A loud slam from somewhere on the floor below put an end to further reluctance .
15 The statement , read by hospital head of public affairs Alan Reid , said : ‘ Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was admitted to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary at 6.30pm on Thursday , May 20 1993 .
16 Tory MP Teresa Gorman gives an exclusive insight into the dirty tricks in a special article for TODAY on Page 7 .
17 Now the course of events for the trysting quartet from here on in would normally be predictable , except that one of the quatuor was Stuart , and Stuart on a double-date is defiantly cognate with a breadstick still in its wrapper .
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