Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] that as " in BNC.

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1 The second assumption inherent in climatic geomorphology is that as an attitude it is actualist , i.e. it attributes the landscape to present processes .
2 The serious political consequence was that as royal patronage expanded not only were the voices of royal clerks multiplied but the morale and priorities of the clergy as a whole were in danger of being increasingly swayed by hopes of royal favour .
3 The good news is that as none of your other fishes have shown any signs of disease it sounds as if it was something non-infectious , so that you should have nothing to worry about regarding their health .
4 ‘ The good news is that as a result of those measures , and despite the hostile trading environment throughout the world , the Group is in a better position today than many believed possible a year ago .
5 Since he was not born in the ordinary way , Adam would not have needed one , but the general assumption was that as a man he had a navel .
6 Another surprising feature is that as an EC requirement the intrastat carries a criminal as opposed to a civil penalty for non-compliance .
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