Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] it do " in BNC.

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1 Yes I did — when English Lit was over I read my last sentence before she collected the papers , and it said , ‘ Julius Caesar is a filthy no-good rubbishy play because it does n't have enough women in it .
2 The electronic collection of Alexander Hamilton 's works will hold out as much interest to the linguist , philosopher , and the political scientist as it does to the historian .
3 The Women For Socialism Conference was an attempt to build some kind of an alliance or unity between left Labour women and women outside organising in Women 's groups across a fairly broad spectrum and it did n't succeed in the totality of its aims certainly .
4 This provision has a narrow ambit and it does not prevent a supplier attempting to shrink the core of the obligations , rather than excluding the implied terms .
5 Montrose House would of course not be the only cost-effective alternative but it does give some idea of the scandalous waste of resources which is still going on in the semi-State sector .
6 Keep the mix on the dry side so it does n't stain the concrete surface .
7 Even in a socialist country like Tanzania , however committed one may be to the abolition of privilege in society , there is no arguing with the fact that young people with secondary and higher education can expect life to bring them a richer and more interesting experience than it does to the primary school leaver .
8 Mr Malcolm Rifkind , Secretary of State for Transport , said the Conservatives had no plans to privatise passenger services run by British Rail though it did propose privatising the freight service .
9 Strictly speaking , this second is not a proper rule because it does not end with a single well defined action .
10 Think what would happen to the electric light industry if it did n't get dark every night .
11 That improvement upset the old fifty-yard rhythm but it did n't much matter .
12 Maureen O'Hara , of the Children 's Legal Centre , said : ‘ Local authorities have to accept that if they 've made every effort to keep children at home with the non-abusing parent and it does n't work , they may have to be taken into care . ’
13 It says it 's wrong that a judge should have to pass the same sentence on an abused wife who kills a brutal husband as it does on a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold blood .
14 President Wilson had no particular policy except a vague notion that National Self-Determination was a good thing — a notion that owed more to America s position in the world and the nature of its own historical development than it did to the realities of European life .
15 This expansion is said to be " inflationary , " meaning that the universe at one time expanded at an increasing rate rather than the decreasing rate that it does today .
16 It 's pretty smoky — the trains give off this browny smoke and it do n't blow away — it just sort of drifts up to the roof .
17 At a meeting soon afterwards , and having laid out its draft proposal for Newton , it had been given permission to go ahead with detailed planning although it did not offer the same safety provisions .
18 This week 's threat by Ofgas regulator Sir James McKinnon to take legal action against British Gas if it does n't reduce its prices is an indication of what can be achieved by forceful regulation of the privatised utilities . )
19 In all cases where the Speedboat Clause applies it should be given careful consideration as it does limit the extent of cover appreciably .
20 She scuffed at it with the tip of one brown brogue but it did not even smudge .
21 The judges ' function is also to do justice in accordance with certain settled principles of law in a free society ; and they are entitled to assume that Parliament does not intend to subvert these principles , unless there is a clear statement that it does .
22 Night temperatures in Scotland on the hill frequently fall to that level particularly in spells of high pressure when it does not snow naturally .
23 But the meditators maintain they have scientific proof that it does work and they can bring peace to a troubled world .
24 Erm exactly what , we did n't know , we were al we all knew a little bit about the seals , however we had studied about the seals in a different way and it did n't make sense and we were young people who who were searching .
25 The video does not have a lot to say about stress brought about by sexual harassment but it does rightly emphasise the importance of professional workers leaving their personal problems at home .
26 I do not want to get bogged down in a semantic quibble but it does rather look as though sociologists have just as much difficulty as anyone else in doing without the word ‘ profession ’ .
27 Neither he nor Mr Hoi intends to make a public fuss if it does not .
28 Much " oohing " and " aahing " from children and adults alike , as the chick looked just like a big cuddly toy and it did n't have nearly such a sharp beak , as Jane was about to find out .
29 In the light of his experience and expertise at Llandough hospital in my constituency , he has alerted people in Wales to the dangers of smoking , the burdens that smoking places on the NHS and the tremendous damage that it does to health .
30 The HGT-1 cell line was isolated from a human gastric adenocarcinoma , and can not be considered a complete model for the parietal cell as it does not secrete hydrochloric acid .
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