Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The main historical tension here has been between the institution ( typically the university ) and the professional body .
2 An interesting example of a serious popular work unjustly neglected is seen here in the only book that occurs twice in the list : Morley Roberts 's The Colossus .
3 I shall also ensure that the merits and advantages of Almondbank , to which my hon. Friend rightly referred are taken fully into account .
4 Again , in erm , in animal populations what studies of sexual behaviour actually shows is that individuals are not reproducing the species for the benefit of the species , they 're reproducing themselves and their own genes as fast as they possibly can , given whatever other constraints may be operating .
5 She visited Kitty , wishing the old woman really had been a witch and then she could have solved the riddles which would not leave her in peace .
6 Of these fully 650 were spent in caves … the ovewhelming majority of all the material goods we use in daily life today have been developed within the present , 800th lifetime . ’
7 The steep pillar initially intended was being examined by Vic and Steve , while the others were trying a longer more circuitous route which looked technically easier .
8 However , what the adjectival property actually qualifies is the property , and only the property , of that noun .
9 The traditional presumption upon which a clear consensus still exists is that against interference with personal liberty .
10 In this sample — due to location — the foreign language most needed was English .
11 The obverse of his strength as party leader in the peculiar circumstances of British politics today has been his inability to present himself as a national leader .
12 It was also a distinct advantage there to have been , in one 's university days , a member of an aristocratic student fraternity .
13 A more serious constraint earlier had been the weight of components which had to be transported by road , but the adoption of hydrogen-cooling of the rotor ( pioneered in America before the War ) now made it possible to reduce the size of components in the larger sets .
14 Earlier in the month Meese , a senior member of the campaign team , had issued the most comprehensive denial yet to have been made in connection with the affair .
15 Relations between the government and senior civil service also have been uneasy .
16 In symbolic logic much use is made of the signs unc ( there exists ) and unc ( for all ) , although we do n't often employ these here .
17 The walled garden too had been carefully maintained .
18 The easy way out has been taken .
19 In actual fact little had been written about Cubism by April 1910 , but Boccioni 's work of 1911 shows some indirect Cubist influence , and he was certainly in correspondence with Severini , who , though as yet little touched by the movement , was a friend of both Picasso and Braque .
20 A national curriculum centrally determined is about to be imposed on the schools , and this is bound to encapsulate a philosophy of education , its nature and purpose , that arises directly out of the discontents of the last twenty years .
21 But his enthusiasm for system led him too easily to assume that a native administration duly gazetted was a native administration actually functioning as a responsible organ of local government , and this set a limit to his achievements in reform .
22 Crewe as a previous reply rightly said are running away with the 3rd division , so a 3–1 defeat is a good result considering the mauling some other Premiership clubs got from the likes of Peterborough and Stockport .
23 Three colours on the palette will give an incredible range once mixing is under control .
24 What the NME 's five-page article really underlines is the contradictory and capricious nature of Morrissey himself .
25 If the immortals were capable of reproduction there would be a colossal population explosion : imagine what it would be like if every human being ever born were still alive !
26 She understood now what Mr Stanforth had meant by describing him as a man who had deliberately evaded certain responsibilities and involvements , and even kept his affairs in scrupulous order mainly to avoid being badgered , or giving anyone a hold on him .
27 In the stuffy silence the sound of the cold tap slowly dripping was almost cosy ; a substitute heart-beat .
28 ‘ Mr Ridley is not guilty of having made mistakes … the Tory party always has been , and will be , a green party . ’
29 And there , only sixteen say they 're depressive er people , eighty four no but the great majority here have been depressed from time to time .
30 The two studies quoted giving positive results together with another positive major study not quoted were all of cognitive-behavioural therapy , in which a collaborative directive approach is encouraged .
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