Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Fergie lost her armed protection when she and Prince Andrew split up .
2 This tactic goes against many of our instincts ; when confronted with a difficult audience member , we may tend to ignore the person in the vain hope that he or she will go away .
3 He also gave a strong indication that he and other leading party figures had accepted that Rocard , the leader of the smallest faction within the party but one of the country 's most popular politicians , would be the front-runner for the PS nomination to succeed President François Mitterrand in the presidential elections in 1995 .
4 The worker is defined as a free agent since she or he has the freedom to choose his or her employer .
5 Dr Greenaway was therefore not only a very distinguished President but he and his wife Marion , who predeceased him in 1981 , were extremely popular with the deaf community .
6 Once the marketmaker 's spread and the broker 's commission are taken into account the investor will face a sizeable loss if he or she buys and exercises at these prices .
7 Choice of Free Gift when you or your partner take out SaverPlus 2001
8 The the He was the old teacher and he and his sister never spoke anything else but the Gaelic .
9 A woman is a person , a sexual person as you and I are .
10 Doctor 's obviously a more frugal character than me because he had this room and the radiator was turned off .
11 I shall take lectures from the hon. Gentleman when he and the Labour party support the Prevention of Terrorism ( Temporary Provisions ) Act 1989 .
12 ANGRY Richard Gere blamed a sari-clad hostess when he and wife Cindy Crawford were met by photographers at Heathrow yesterday .
13 Mr Clinton has spent far more time on foreign policy than he or most of his staff anticipated .
14 Little red leaflets headed Herzlich Wilkommen ! are pressed into their cold hands ; the leaflets give them the deeply resistible news that they that they can get discounts on all burgers at the BurgerKing shops across West Berlin .
15 This is an invaluable reference book which will explain the puzzling and amusing references to British life that you and your students may encounter in reading or conversation .
16 I want also and in particular to draw attention to the grave concern that I and others feel about the number of young people being held in prisons .
17 This time our hero Kevin ( Culkin ) gets on the wrong plane as he and his family set out for a Christmas break in Miami .
18 The Law Society holds hearings in private but allows the defendant the right to opt for a public hearing if he or she so wishes ( the prosecution also has the right , but only in public interest cases ) .
19 You ca n't away with er some bum figures like this one , it 's not good enough for the members to give , be given wrong information and I and I can tell you this we 'll be coming back again and then we would know and where they were getting where they were getting the seventeen homes
20 This is accounted for by the rather different procedure adopted in child sexual abuse investigations when there is an urgent need to protect the suspected victim and her or his evidence from outside pressure which may well emanate from the victim 's family .
21 Chris was now an auxiliary fireman and he and Maureen could meet only when their duties permitted .
22 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
23 Then they sprang up joyfully and strangely , well away to the south in a part of the forest where they rarely were , so far as to be almost out of sight from the crown of an old dying beech where she and Allen were often perched like birds .
24 You may not receive any extra money if you or your spouse already receive a state benefit , and your taxable earnings should not be more than £30 per week after the deduction of reasonable expenses .
25 Finally , evidence is accumulating that a person 's emotional environment influences his or her likelihood of suffering an acute psychotic episode if he or she already has a history of schizophrenic disorder .
26 All European Members would have liked to pay tribute to the splendid work that she and the Government have done for overseas development .
27 By this is meant young children 's explicit knowledge that they and others have mental states which are only ‘ in the running for truth ’ , that beliefs held by people can be false and yet these false beliefs can determine their thought and behaviour .
28 Beryl 's love of movement and dance started at a very early age when she and her older sisters attended a local School of Dance once a week .
29 He concludes with a dark warning that she and her infant may not be so lucky the next time .
30 Payne took the Balearic Open with a par 4 at the first extra hole after he and Sweden 's Anders Gillner had tied on 277 , 11-under-par .
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