Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 it warned of the dangers to people of the weedkiller 2,4,5-T , with scant hope of doing much good in official circles , especially in the MAFF .
2 Queen Elizabeth I , her penchant for black servants and entertainers notwithstanding , took the opportunity to ‘ scapegoat ’ the black communities , and attempted to expel them without compunction when there appeared to be political advantage in doing so for managing her economic difficulties .
3 As neither of us knew anything about it we tried to glean as much information on the technical side of sailing as possible and build it in to our globe-trotting plans .
4 In such cases , illness can leave not only a physical inability to cope , but an emotional fear of doing so .
5 The only possible result of doing so is to discover mistakes that it is too late to correct .
6 ’ They always went out together with the sole intention of stealing as many clothes as they could , ’ she says .
7 This exercise was perhaps most illuminating in the way in which it showed up the nerve ( or lack of it ) of the existing contractors ’ managements ; and the results demonstrated the inherent impossibility of combining apparently objective cash criteria with inevitably subjective judgements of quality .
8 One got the impression that Mr Callaghan felt that he had to put on one side the normal practice of consulting only a small group of inner ministers on economic issues , and had to carry all the colleagues , all twenty-two , if he was to have a hope of carrying the party in the country clearly out of the crisis .
9 Like many Throwing Muses tracks ‘ Not Too Soon ’ is an almost painfully introspective piece of writing yet it moves and shakes with all the swagger of glib pop .
10 By the time they got back to the Buccaneer , the sun was turning pink and orange to usher in another early Caribbean night , and Virginia felt weary with the emotional tension of avoiding either body or eye contact with her companion , and keeping the conversation on a relentlessly impersonal level .
11 It is in this general climate that community policing has been reintroduced in recent years in many forces in Great Britain with the expressed intention of improving both crime prevention and relations between the police and the community ( cf. Gordon 1987 ) .
12 They should look very closely at the Guatemalan experience before doing so .
13 Sentencing the three men on Aug. 28 , he said that the offence had been an attack on the integrity of the stock market , and that he wished " to send a clear message that those who seek commercial advantage by acting dishonestly … can expect little mercy from the courts " .
14 82% of the respondents thought that cultural preparation for working overseas was necessary and important and 54% stated that the preparation they received was adequate , while 36% thought it was inadequate .
15 Engels re-echoes The German Ideology in showing that far from the State being the repository of justice , it is the repository of exploitation , but here he does this by use of genuine anthropological materials .
16 This chapter will introduce Rolle 's qualities as an English writer about mystical experience by concentrating chiefly on two kinds of text .
17 She 'd never caught the French trick of eating slowly , relishing the food .
18 It is impolite to say ‘ No ’ to a Peruvian and they have various social technique of doing so without actually saying it .
19 ‘ Yet there is no valid scientific case for doing so , ’ he says .
20 One interpretation of this is that as the nationalized industries move closer to some form of privatization so their published financial information appears to become closer and closer to the commercial practice of publishing only that which is required , and no more .
21 and Imperial , it does so with the clear intention of keeping only part of the business for its own portfolio and selling the rest to the highest bidder .
22 The people responsible for this inhuman act of preventing a dead Filipino citizen from coming home to find his eternal repose in his own native soil will have to answer to their maker . ’
23 Recession , therefore , has the unfortunate and cumulative effect of working backwards .
24 Because of the humidity , below freezing temperatures feel colder than they are and can have the harmful effect of biting deep into the vine and this can be fatal if the sap has started to rise .
25 The main function of these committees was to carry out JAC policy , but this involved detailed work in organizing both the industrial and the welfare aspects of the developing service , and dovetailing much of the administration with that of education authorities .
26 In this kind of acquired dyslexia , described for example by Marshall and Newcombe ( 1966 , 1973 ) and by Coltheart , Patterson and Marshall ( 1980 ) , the most striking symptom is the semantic error in reading aloud .
27 Perhaps most intriguing of all there will be a further attempt to undermine union power in the public sector by moving away from national agreements towards increasing regional differentials in pay .
28 It is possible to escape from the British winter without going too far afield .
29 I have a very clear recollection of sitting there , not being able to move and hearing the approaching sirens .
30 Convinced that the treaty would undercut German sovereignty by taking away powers from the German parliament , he left Brussels and filed a sweeping complaint claiming that Maastricht damages constitutional guarantees of individual rights and democratic procedure .
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