Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] [noun pl] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 I would have preferred to see its replacement with a fixed housing allowance of limited term , and possibly on a more generous scale , for first time buyers only and those who have bought their houses in the last few years ; that should be coupled with the extension of housing benefit , which is limited to the rented sector , to low income home owners who have difficulty in meeting their mortgage payments .
2 They will be without top striker Ridvan Dilmen who has a leg injury .
3 The increased use of trained child care officers who had studied the growth and development of personality meant that more people were aware of the difficulty , if not the impossibility , of compensating a child for the break-up of his or her natural home .
4 There are , to point to two easily identifiable groups , the old grammar school teachers who do not like and have not mastered mixed-ability teaching ; and the old secondary modern teachers who still feel second-class citizens in the staffroom .
5 This is essentially the story of two North British Railway branch lines who carried the people of East Fife , together with generations of golfers , to the coast .
6 The Lithuanian back division , as Liubinskas was a little suspect against Northern Ireland but this was primarily due to the absence of 32-year-old central defender Vlacheslavas Sukristovas who was unable to obtain a visa from Israel where he plays for Maccabi Netanya .
7 " I saw Japanese Salvation Army officers who were really enthusiastic evangelists .
8 This will protect those personal community charge payers who would otherwise have been more than £3 per week worse off in the first year of Community Charge .
9 This would call for fresh instructions to staff , training , and endless negotiations with the civil service trade unions who opposed the creation of new specialists .
10 I cut round the Guildhall , almost taking out a couple of early season French tourists who had n't got the hang of looking left first before they crossed the road , and through on to Moorgate .
11 More than that he can mash these lists of prospects together to produce delightfully implausible juxtapositions : exercise-bike owners who take educational holidays to the Ukraine ( there are only seven in Greater London ) ; lepers with a penchant for Janet Reger lingerie ( surprisingly enough , several hundred in Roseland alone ) ; Liberal Democrat Nintendo enthusiasts who are also Wagner buffs ( not as many as one might have hoped for ) .
12 Only giant lock John Eales who is rested and the injured David Campese will be missing .
13 Young maintained contact with his previous management consultancy clients who were already half-way convinced of headhunting , but he was prepared for much knocking on familiar and unfamiliar doors and cold-calling to drum up more business in a practical way .
14 Nevertheless there are , in both units , large cohorts of patients with HIV infection with mildly abnormal liver function tests who have not been subjected to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
15 Reactionary trade union officials who had steadfastly declared that they would not stand on a public platform with revolutionary workers , found themselves caught up in the stream and carried forward to participation in great united front unemployed demonstrations .
16 Fiona Hyslop , one of the national executive committee members who voted for the unsuccessful motion drawn up by the policy vice-convener , Rob Gibson , which expressed regret at the leadership 's decision during last weekend 's NEC meeting , criticised the party infighting .
17 He provided the first correct solution selected to last week 's query and knew that Brian Little ( Leicester ) and Steve Perryman ( Watford ) are current Football League managers who have been capped just once by England .
18 The reverse could also be true , and mental state was actually the only variable which differentiated these patients from irritable bowel syndrome patients who responded satisfactorily to treatment .
19 We propose that inflammatory bowel disease patients who are or have been treated with systemic steroids and have articular complaints are investigated for osteonecrosis preferably by magnetic resonance scanning .
20 Although it is unclear , the fact that the putative market counterparty must be dealing in the course of investment business seems to restrict transactional test market counterparties who enter into futures contracts with the firm as principal to persons , such as securities firms or banks , which are authorised under the FSA .
21 As I waited at the King 's Stairs for my boat back to Venturous I was approached by two very splendidly attired and heavily braided Merchant Service Officers whom I had noticed staring at me curiously during the reception .
22 WFS did not publically declare itself to be affiliated to any independent grass roots campaigns who are actually working on the ground with ordinary people — for example , the Tottenham 3 Campaign , Birmingham 6 Campaign etc .
23 The passing parade of international players means that even with the loss of McGahan , North Harbour can still call on three international halfbacks : Strachan , Matthew Vaea and Tu Nu'auli'itia — the latter two Western Samoan World Cup halfbacks who moved to North Harbour clubs last winter .
24 MAS in London is staffed with full time acquisition professionals who have considerable experience of managing both national and cross border transactions .
25 The men being held not by militants but by Iranian Air Force personnel who feared that they would no longer be paid .
26 Low birth weight children who survive infancy may also be subject to more health problems during childhood than those born with normal weight ( WHO , 1979 ) .
27 The Queen , wearing a purple coat and hat , went on to meet some of the heroic bomb disposal experts who belong to the Corps .
28 There has been increasing anguish among law-abiding poll tax payers who are being surcharged £19 to make up for the shortfall caused by uncollected tax .
29 There had been the curious tale of the Argentinian scrap metal merchants who had landed on the island of South Georgia , where the United Kingdom had exercised sovereignty since it was discovered by Captain Cook in I775 .
30 But nevertheless there are many long-serving CAB advice workers who would deny that client problems today are so much more severe than in the past .
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