Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again the Polish Foreign Ministry complained and on March 25 Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Krzystof Skubiszewski held talks with his Lithuanian counterpart Algirdas Saudargas in Helsinki , Finland .
2 twins er set decks , tape to tape record , high speed dubbing and up two hours continuous playing
3 George carefully positioned the old bear crossed and in a delightfully laid-back , almost human repose .
4 The old lady died and within weeks they 'd decided to get married ; they started furnishing the rooms over the shop and all was set for a wedding . ’
5 Matters such as the hon. Gentleman raised can be dealt with at present under the social dimension to which the British Government subscribe and against which the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) voted .
6 The disposal can present a problem for a large works , and space has to be allocated for allowing the wet sludge to drain and for storage before the solid call be carted away .
7 As part of this a rather different kind of social survey emerged and with it new kinds of data .
8 Several experiences have been described to show how a textbook was prepared on a hypertext system with a semantic net underpinning and through document reuse .
9 Money set aside by Borders Regional Council to keep the delicate equipment mothballed and in a state of good repair runs out next month .
10 Given the generic distortions of output and distribution in such systems , high rates of growth are required to keep the overall machinery lubricated and in motion .
11 His light-hearted and amusing banter hid a serious and thoughtful approach to work and to life in general , and one became aware that it was a privilege to know and work with him , both at Woolley Hall and in the early days of Bretton where he came one day each week to teach painting .
12 And indeed it was , for over the brow of the little hill a bright-red motor-scooter erupted and upon it swayed the figure of a monumentally built woman , her classic features frozen into a mask of anger and her grey hair flying in the wind so that she had the appearance of a vengeful Medusa .
13 This was the classic showman speaking and on this occasion he was directing his remarks directly at those intellectuals whom his films had brought into cinemas for the first time .
14 A new pattern of inter-authority rivalry ensued and in the upheaval town planning was a loser .
15 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
16 A sergeant with a large area to cover and under the necessity of visiting each constable , which visits have to be duly recorded , becomes testy if one or two of those under his charge are late arriving at certain points on their beats .
17 Panama remained physically cut off from the rest of the world yesterday , with the national airport closed and under US control , and the northern border with Costa Rica sealed .
18 It helps to make the visual association moving and in colour .
19 This is a fascinating place to work and during my first year here the business has continued to develop .
20 Periodicals remain by far the most important research tool for academics , both for current awareness scanning and for chasing up citations to individual articles .
21 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
22 The notion that there exist a plurality of influences affecting the outcomes of political processes is to be found in many of the classic studies of policy-making , such as the emphasis upon bargaining in the budgetary process , on the plurality of groups involved in intra-party policy making and in the legislative process .
23 But I had a problem in that very often people wanted a double wardrobe moving and of course it then needed two men .
24 Once past Black Head speed over the ground increased as the tidal stream lessened and on arrival at Falmouth the yacht was finally secured alongside the lifeboat and manoeuvred onto a mooring just after 0400 .
25 She was n't smartly dressed as he had imagined : a slack grey coat reached halfway down her calves , her hat was in plain brown felt and from under it her hair hung loose .
26 It will be in everyone 's interest that the precise arrangements are specified , eg whether the partnership has a tenancy or contractual licence to occupy and in consideration of what payments , or whether the property is to be enjoyed rent free , or whether the firm is given only a non-exclusive personal licence which will determine on the death or retirement of the partner who grants the same .
27 pending the receipt of prompt instructions from the bank/organisation keep its interest in the policy in force up to the full sum insured and for the same risks as were covered when the bank's/organisation 's interest was notified ( subject to the insurance not having been replaced elsewhere with the consent of consent of the bank/organisation ) .
28 Saying this lays my head on the block , because the modern climber is much better at small hold pulling and on jamming cracks , thrutchy chimneys and greasy grooves , than I am .
29 The survey of what the private profession do and for whom , conducted on behalf of the Royal Commission on Legal Services , reinforced the results of earlier , more limited , surveys and has largely been confirmed by more recent surveys .
30 Economic growth declined and for a while even became negative .
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