Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] because it " in BNC.

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1 Little learning ( on the part of the user ) is needed to use an on-line recognition system because it seems just like real pen and paper .
2 Unfortunately most people have no idea that they have high blood pressure because it does n't actually feel any different .
3 A carp is quite happy on a high protein diet because it utilises some for tissue repair , construction of its own complex molecules such as enzymes and of course growth by addition of new body protein .
4 As for Unix , as we said way back in 1984 when we forecast that it would come to dominate the mainstream market , it is fundamentally quite inappropriate as the basis of a robust commercial operating system because it is designed for free sharing of resources and code between users , where one of the most important requirements of a mission-critical operating system is that the crass behaviour of some idiot wo n't bring the system down .
5 This model differs from the public law model because it presupposes separate spheres of operation for regulatory rules and " ordinary " law .
6 But Stroud District Council says no , she must restore the original wooden window frame because it 's a conservation area .
7 Furthermore , MailSort , the Post Office 's new bulk mailing rebate scheme which will come into full use in the Summer of '89 , is bringing computerisation to the direct marketing industry because it just is n't practical to sort mail by hand into thousands of individual postcodes .
8 Caricaturing the argument so far , the Conservative Party supports a free enterprise economy because it considers the most important objective is to maximize the size of the national cake by allocating resources as efficiently as possible .
9 McDonald 's uses this high quality blend because it provides the consistency and unique taste our customers have come to expect .
10 Well if you look at it , this was called Top Valley Farm because it was the highest valley coming out of the city .
11 The penis did not exist at all in the British sex film because it was considered rude . ’
12 Argos can offer goods at lower prices than its High Street competitors because it has n't got as many overheads .
13 He said it had differed from the Foreign Office advice because it had subsequently been been scrutinised in ‘ greater detail ’ .
14 Presumably there is justification when a doctor urges his patient to give up a fixed term employment because it is a danger to his health , but what of the tutor who insists that his student give up a vacation job because it will interfere with his studies ?
15 The west Antarctic ice sheet is more vulnerable than the ten-times-larger east Antarctic ice sheet because it rests on the ocean floor rather than on land .
16 We approach much of by paths made for staling purposes and we have easy walking surfaces because it is grazed .
17 Women 's work in the countries of the Third World is generally rendered ‘ invisible ’ by normal national accounting procedures because it usually takes place outside the conventional sphere of wage labour , mostly on the family farm and in the home .
18 Eager to be a good green , she spent her entire week 's allowance on a giant aerosol spray because it announced itself as ‘ environment-friendly ’ .
19 My preference is the white worm culture because it provides a large range of worm sizes for fry feeding .
20 For example , in the 1980s the UK appears to have hosted parts of an international car industry because it could provide a relatively cheap , disciplined and flexible labour force and , as a resuIt , the parts of the production process it could host were similar to those found in some Third World countries .
21 It wo n't be one of the great parade horses because it 's not quite big enough but I am sure there will be lots of people who will be looking forward to riding it .
22 They consider that it may be demeaning for a client to be ‘ helped ’ by a volunteer ; they consider that a person working for no pay is being exploited ; and they feel that volunteering confirms a sexist role model because it is mainly women supported by wage-earning husbands who volunteer .
23 Thereafter controversy over the issue subsided until June 1967 , when eviction proceedings were taken against eleven families who had refused accommodation offered to them by the rural district council because it was at some distance from the city .
24 Opting out has a short term attraction because it will bring in cash … but the feeling is will be little use in the long run .
25 Opting out has a short term attraction because it will bring in cash … but the feeling is will be little use in the long run .
26 Obviously you ca n't just take a vocal line from some traditional Japanese album and put it straight into a heavy metal song because it 's not going to work !
27 The Labour Party supports considerable state intervention because it considers that it is more important to divide the cake more fairly , even if this means having more allocative inefficiency and a smaller cake to share out .
28 If you 'd wanted to separate off your paras , you 'd put in a full size slug because it was easy to make up and the whole thing was absolutely modular erm but perhaps it would have looked better if it had been A four , or you know , Swiss in some way .
29 Jackie Drake was denied Invalid Care Allowance because it had been assumed that married women did n't need to work .
30 Financial delegation was seen as a key factor in improving school quality because it encouraged a more systematic approach to policymaking and planning in school .
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