Example sentences of "[adj] [that] we [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Is it not possible that we apprehend them as feelings of hotness and coldness because the feelings are usually of one sort when our bodies are hot , and of another sort when our bodies are cold ?
2 The proof of the pudding is in the eating , and the proof of people skills is that they make it as likely as possible that we achieve our objectives with people .
3 ‘ Tomorrow morning we attack the German positions and it is possible that we have nothing more to eat after this evening . ’
4 It is when morale is very low that we find it difficult to cope with the problems and difficulties of life , and when counselling can become vitally important .
5 For transport she used the farmer 's pony and trap : the pony was so decrepit that we called it the dead pony .
6 ‘ We 're sorry that we teased you — and I promise to wear my blue headband tomorrow , ’ Sophie whispered in her ear .
7 In understanding design-society relationships it is crucial that we understand what we are talking about when we use the word " design " .
8 The other element is that the county 's are so dangerous , and that 's actually quite unusual , they 're so dangerous that we consider they present a risk and it has to be me that considers it presents a risk to life , and I can either restrict the use of premises , but I can prohibit the use entirely .
9 I 'm absolutely delighted that we achieved what we set out to do at the beginning of the week , which was to ensure that the Ryder Cup stayed on this side of the Atlantic .
10 ‘ So you 're more or less convinced that we pulled it off ? ’
11 Navigational instincts in humans are less well-developed , although Robin Baker of Manchester University is convinced that we possess them ( New Scientist , vol 80 , p 526 ) .
12 But we 've done that in the brief that we 've we 've worked on .
13 It 's imperative that we do it , and that 's why we 're looking now .
14 Erm we did get a woman later on I think in this little cash desk where the money used to go in the machine you know and er , but you 'd go in and you would have , it used to intrigue me that er you 'd go in and the , the dairy goods was all one side and you , you would , you would , my brother and I would have our lists and it was , we were petrified that we case we made a mistake you know .
15 Well only just to really , actually all Mr Mr has er said , and just one other bit of information , the time when the Chairman of the council extended the invitation to sixth formers , looking for alternative entertainment for the sixth formers of school , after they sat through a full council , I took them over to the er archivists er department , and we saw the paper restor , sorry , should n't say paper restorer , manuscript restorer at work , and these sixth formers , already knew of the existence , one of them asked to see the records of parish , because he knew they were there , and I mean , I think this is wonderful , that the sixth formers already , er children are being taught about the ar the records , and they will want to be sure that we kept them , and I think it 's our moral duty to keep er , the records of the past for future generations .
16 We did n't know blacks , yet were always sure that we knew their real interests and what they were thinking !
17 So I think the communications department wanted to pull together all of these issues , and make sure that we hear your voice effectively , we represent it effectively and that , the sense in which N C V O comes over as an organisation is more appropriately presented and projected in all the many different spheres in which we 're currently operating .
18 " We 've got to protect our reputation and we have to make sure that we know what we 're talking about " said Weir .
19 We will have to be very sure that we know what we 're talking about when we meet them to persuade them that we need their funds more and we can make better use of them and we hope to raise around half of that twenty five million pounds from them .
20 We have to make sure that we know what the customer wants ; they know what we can do for them , at what cost ; where ; when ; how and
21 ‘ I 'm not sure that we need his money , ’ said Mahmoud .
22 And make sure that we provide our staff with the appropriate
23 ‘ I 'll check the books every month and make sure that we pay our tax on time and do n't break any council regulations . ’
24 I mean , you know there are things that we need to address in-house , to make sure that we give you er , an efficient service .
25 I 'm confident that we have nothing to fear from an examination of our industrial relations policies , er at the I L O. We believe we can demonstrate that these polici er policies comply with all the I L O conventions that we have ratified .
26 no , I do n't know it 's as well that we have nothing to do with
27 May we never become so worldly that we close our eyes to the miracle and mystery of life .
28 ‘ We were so good for so long that we took it for granted .
29 I 'm concerned that we give our three children the right education and lay down the best possible plans for the future .
30 ‘ It important that we win our games over Christmas .
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