Example sentences of "[adj] [that] they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although precise definitions are hard to come by , it is clear that they looked to some kind of ideal worker , that is , someone who was trustworthy , interested , intelligent , literate and numerate , full of initiative , and capable of mental and physical agility .
2 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
3 If , for instance , guests used a swimming pool at a hotel after dark , it is clear that they have by so doing stepped outside the scope of their invitation or permission to use that part of the premises , and a duty is not owed to them .
4 They ended in a pair of green bronze doors , each so high that they disappeared into the gloom .
5 This comment in a recent ILO/UNCTC study of EPZs in the Caribbean is very typical : ‘ In spite of the small number of jobs generated so far , the rate at which EPZs create employment is , however , so high that they rank as the most dynamic agents for job creation compared with other sources of national employment ’ ( Long , 1986 , p.60 ) .
6 When I looked at all this stuff , it came to me that it was very interesting that they thought of Beauty as beautiful and Cruelty as cruel .
7 When I looked at all this stuff , it came to me that it was very interesting that they thought of beauty as beautiful and cruelty as cruel .
8 Yet decisions about the significance , for entry into higher education , of school-level achievement in public examinations are made all the time — and it is odd that they seem to be made without reference to CNAA , BTEC or the NCVQ .
9 His legs were so weak that they shook beneath him .
10 The country was bracken-clothed dunes , the plants so tall that they came over the horse 's withers in places .
11 They were so incensed that they flew to Los Angeles officially to deny charges that ‘ they only sang about 20 per cent of the music on their 1988 album , Hanging' Tough .
12 There had been stone dragons , and jade dragons so delicate that they disintegrated at a puff of breath .
13 Say it was appalling that they spied on us like that ? ’
14 The snow was coming down in thick flakes , adding to the unreal appearance as they chugged slowly from one bank to the other , and she was delighted that they stopped at every single stop .
15 It is understood that the Bank of England backed higher rates to protect the pound but was less convinced that they needed to be raised to cool down the economy any further .
16 Many were so hard that they seemed to be made of solid wood while others shattered like eggshells , but were virtually empty .
17 With this money , he was able to pay all his supporters , and with this added incentive he pressed the Moorish Caliphs so hard that they submitted to him , sueing for peace in the April of 1090 .
18 The bare hills behind Agadir in the west are built of blue limestones so hard that they ring under the fossil-hunter 's hammer .
19 Throughout the proceedings people were conscious that they spoke for all Zuwaya , addressing each other formally as ‘ You , Zuwayi there ’ and referred to themselves collectively as ‘ We Zuwaya ’ .
20 As it was imperative that they get to Paris as quickly as possible they embarked on a slow train , hoping to arrive in time for their turn at the theatre .
21 The scrolls of the ears flat against the side of the skull were so large that they looked like abnormal excrescences .
22 On 29 May anti-aircraft gunners submitted claims for a Ju88 probably destroyed , but it seems likely that they had in fact been firing at one of the Italian Fiats .
23 But of course , the ‘ life from space ’ hypothesis does not answer the question of how the very first organic molecules arose ; and it seems at least as likely that they arose on primitive Earth as elsewhere .
24 Originally ascribed to the 1660s it now seems highly likely that they date from the 1630s and were made within a few years of each other .
25 It is at least likely that they did in fact fail to keep their ideology to themselves .
26 It is quite obvious that they wished to their little beating hearts ' total desire that it was .
27 The temper of the tools seems good , just soft enough to give a razor-edge , but not too soft that they bend against hard grain .
28 Yes , I have at last , and the I 'm sure that they lied in their teeth , they they assured me they had written to me after my second letter in March , er in fact , and they said they were going to send me a photocopy of that , in fact er she wrote me a letter in June , so I do n't believe the other one existed ,
29 Wherever one finds pillow lavas in sequences of old rocks , one can be sure that they formed under water in the same way as their modern counterparts , and this , amongst other things , helps to establish the sites of ancient oceanic volcanoes and mid-ocean ridges .
30 Apparently what the erm busmen do is they have to make sure that they get to where they 're meant to be on time otherwise they get their pay docked but they like to stop off and see their friends on the way , and stop and have cups of tea
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