Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [pron] had be " in BNC.

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1 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
2 His speech made clear that he had been brought reluctantly to much the same view as his Director of Propaganda .
3 It was clear that there had been an implicit agreement to hold back output until a higher price was fixed .
4 The distribution of the wreckage was such that from the position of the outer wing panels more than two kilometres from the main wreckage it was clear that there had been a structural failure of both wings in the air .
5 Yet , despite Mrs Thatcher 's resolutely ‘ gung-ho ’ attitude , it was increasingly clear that there had been a general shift in Britain 's stance on Iran and the whole of the Middle East .
6 The Palace statement said the Queen 's action had been brought ‘ to make clear that there had been a breach of Her Majesty 's rights in the matter ’ .
7 It now seems clear that there had been intense military activity near Loughgall before last night 's shooting , as one eye witness recounts :
8 It seemed to be of horsemen having a nice peaceful ride in the wood — picnickers , almost — until I discovered the animal , when it became perfectly clear that it had been a hunting scene all along .
9 In the first place it was clear that it had been a mistake to let Alexei know that his transfer away from the Praetorian Guard had been requested — because if the boy was looking for an excuse for his antagonism , then the one with which he had just been presented was perfect .
10 They were slightly embarrassed that he had been left out , but had agreed at the time that there was no sense in phoning him at home because he would have nothing useful to say .
11 Christopher Hill had always acknowledged that it was doubtful that there had been a Ranter organisation and difficult to define what ‘ the Ranters ’ as a group believed as opposed to individuals whose views came to be labelled as Ranters .
12 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
13 It was possible that he had forgotten to switch it off last night or that he was at work early , but it was also possible that there had been an intruder .
14 It was possible that he had been in the Rolls with his father on the Sunday night .
15 He had sunk so low that she had been obliged to approach Dr McNab for his help .
16 However , with the stories of massive repair costs being bandied around and a particularly uninspiring incumbent devoting most of his energies to the adjacent parish , it was understandable that no-one had been brave enough to voice their concern .
17 Guilty that she had been the lucky one .
18 Men like Ryan , and probably Leo , could have their pick of women , which made it even more unbelievable that she had been so stupid as to believe Ryan .
19 They were too far away for her to recognise faces , but she could imagine John and Angela among them , unaware that they had been pursued all the way from Romania .
20 The Status software programme was designed to avoid the kind of accident that took place at Three Mile Island in the US , where shift workers faced with a breakdown in equipment switched to substitute systems , unaware that they had been taken out of service by a previous system .
21 The Prime Minister and the Lord Chancellor later in the year protested with apparent truthfulness that they had been quite unaware that it had been passed at all ! .
22 The patient was also quite unaware that he had been rubbing his chest just prior to fainting .
23 He seemed to be unaware that there had been a further post-duopoly review and that competition within the telecommunications industry is being opened up generally .
24 ‘ He deserves a proper thrashing , ’ Cissie protested , fiercely indignant that she had been unable to defend herself while her cowardly brother took delight in whipping her .
25 The Commissioners claimed purchase tax on these coins , but the House of Lords held that there had been no sale .
26 Those who did live there all knew Father McGiff and they were able to inform the ignorant that he had been a close friend of the Rabbi ever since the Jews had arrived in the city .
27 Although convinced that she had been drugged before the race at York , she had little chance of persuading three Jockey Club stewards that she had not been drunk , out of her depth , hysterical , and she did n't want Nick to know either .
28 Twenty years later Craig was still convinced that he had been right .
29 He was convinced that he had been on target .
30 Cabinet members were tight-lipped and unsmiling as they emerged from Downing Street , but MPs were convinced that it had been a stormy session , with ministers bitterly fighting their corners in what has been described as the most stringent public spending round for years .
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