Example sentences of "[adj] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The English were taught in a different school to the Chinese .
2 The English were faced by the different physical conditions and social organisation of the countries which they invaded .
3 Children whose first language was not English were excluded from the sample .
4 His skilful efforts to put the Assembly in the wrong were abetted by the deputies ' seeming determination to alienate the masses from the regime , attempts which culminated in an electoral law of 1850 which disenfranchised some 3,000,000 voters on the basis of a residence qualification .
5 The apostles and the communities of the faithful were driven by the Spirit , faith and the knowledge of the Risen Lord .
6 I am not drawing comparisons here , I am just making the point that 500-plus were lost in the Battle of Britain and nearly 700 were lost at Nuremburg on one raid .
7 For the time being at least this was almost exactly how the French were regarded by the Americans in Vietnam : of little or no account and if not exactly in the ‘ out ’ tray at best their position was ‘ pending ’ .
8 The French were crushed by the native forces and the Americans were forced to move in to take their place in order to safe-guard their investment , going a little deeper into the quicksand .
9 All the spectacular demonstrations of the unemployed were organized by the NUWM , including the Hunger Marches of 1932 , 1934 , and 1936 .
10 The previous day a 22 year old , a 19 year old and a 17 year old were shot by a state trooper when they tried to sell cocaine worth $50,000 to a couple of undercover policemen in a car park .
11 At the very moment that the weak and young and old were brought from the Sprinkleroom to the railway station , as good as new , so their menfolk completed the appointed term of labour service and ventured forth to claim them , on the ramp , a trifle dishevelled to be sure , but strong and sleek from their regime of hard work and strict diet .
12 He thought the British were angered by the extent to which the Shah had criticized British sloth in recent years .
13 The British were squeezed by the tax-man until the pips squeaked — Aneurin Bevan 's phrase .
14 The Punjab had stood firm in 1857 ; the emirs of Northern Nigeria , it was noted with pride , stood firm in 1914 , when the British were forced by the outbreak of war with Germany to denude the area of troops .
15 But almost immediately , Amalgamated was sold to the Mirror Group , which now had holdings in two companies — to which the ITA objected .
16 That he knew his position to be unassailable was reflected in the fact that he immediately began to refer to himself not as Head of Government , but as Head of State .
17 Deaconess Tilley 's notions of the food proper for entertaining was formed from the needs of large families on small incomes crossed with Church ‘ does ’ of various kinds .
18 By the time Lucky Jim appeared , however , Amis was a lecturer in English at Swansea , though the novel is more likely to be based on recollections of a visit to his friend Larkin at Leicester , to whom it is dedicated ; and Bradbury 's Eating People is Wrong was written by a graduate student at Manchester University .
19 A VIDEO of a Spitfire plunging to the ground in flames when a stunt went wrong was shown to an inquest jury yesterday .
20 A Canavan free was floated into the square , where corner forward Stephen Ramsey rose to fist the ball to the net , leaving the scores at the break St Marys 1–6 UCG 0–3 .
21 The UK-flag bulk carrier Charming was hit by a missile while carrying a cargo of alumina in an Iranian-organized convoy going up to Bandar Khomeini .
22 During the first and third hours , saline was infused into the aorta ; during the second hour , 5HT was infused .
23 After a 10 minute rest period 0.9% saline was infused in the stomach at a rate of 4 ml/minute for 15 minutes with a syringe pump ( model 355 , Sage Instruments ) .
24 Panel B shows the results of a similar test given after a conditioning trial on which consumption of saline was followed by an injection of LiCl .
25 One ml of 9 9 m Tc DTPA radio labelled saline was introduced into the ileum by slow infusion over five minutes ; 0.3 ml saline was gently flushed through the cannula to ensure delivery of the entire volume of radiolabel into the ileum .
26 With the animals under light anesthaesia , 1 ml of 9 9 m Tc DTPA radiolabelled saline was introduced into the colon by slow infusion over five minutes ; 0.3 ml of saline was gently flushed through the cannula .
27 A tracheostomy was performed and a catheter contained heparinised ( 10 U/ml ) saline was inserted into the right carotid artery for continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure .
28 The twenty three year old was dragged from a busy street into an alleyway where the assault took place .
29 A social was held on the Saturday night followed by an ‘ excellent cold meal served in a marquee on the lawn in front of the clubhouse , and then by country dancing to the ‘ Hambleden Hustlers ’ who induced many of the company to join them .
30 The following were listed as the key points in economic construction during the coming decade and the eighth five-year plan period : strengthening agriculture ; strengthening the basic industries and infrastructure and reorganizing and transforming the processing industry ; and strengthening educational , scientific and technological undertakings .
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