Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Shower and bath gels , face masks and deodorants bought by women are also favourites , although men are too lazy to shop for their own .
2 ‘ I 'm sorry to go through it all again , but there 's something about it that seems odd to me . ’
3 Some of these parents may also wish , through adoption , to protect children against the social order , but they are ‘ real ’ parents in that they are prepared to go beyond their own concerns and hold the child 's interests as their priority .
4 It would be interesting to know with whom this initiative was discussed by those who advise the secretary of state .
5 ‘ T was to stop you becoming completely distraught , but I was afraid to look at you , afraid to come to you that night in case I saw fear or revulsion in your eyes . ’
6 ‘ The man in the field must be prepared to work on his own and work conscientiously .
7 Members are free to work on their own chosen subject if they desire .
8 Members are free to work on their own chosen subject if they desire .
9 Since there are few books indexed under " swords " , the " history of swords " searcher may well be prepared to look through them all ; there are thousands of books under " history " , and only a minute proportion will contain anything of relevance to this searcher .
10 One thing parents ca n't afford — especially our sort of parent — is that the whisper might be put about that they had been willing to toy with their own children 's safety .
11 If having read this you feel you would like to offer time etc but none of these are what you are looking for then please ring either The Chairperson or Secretary who I am sure will be only too willing to discuss with you any further possibilities .
12 If you have consulted the proxy and confirmed that he or she is able and willing to vote for you that is enough .
13 Indeed , until the ecumenical era of the 1960s , few catholics in Ireland were prepared to put before themselves some of the political religious issues which would have to be resolved if a united Ireland or accommodation to a separate political entity in Ulster were to become a possibility .
14 The stress , arousal , motor activity and so on inevitably associated with learning themselves result in biochemical and physiological changes in the brain at the same time as the animal is learning , and they are all important and interesting to study in their own right .
15 Primarily , I greatly respected the culture and customs of the people and , as a western woman , although free to dress in my own cultural fashion , I dressed respectfully for an Islamic country and covered my hair , arms and legs and wore loose fitting clothes , so I felt comfortable drawing and was protected from the heat of the sun .
16 ‘ I 'm not disposed to argue about it this evening .
17 Where there is no joint action , each member state is entirely free to act on its own .
18 The aim was to reach students in the Fourth to Sixth Form age group by setting up workshops and visits to the Hayward Gallery , persuading professional photographers to go to as many schools as possible to talk about their own work and the Magnum show , and encouraging ‘ young hopefuls ’ to shoot and print some of their own work .
19 But it must be the individual 's right to choose of his own free will to follow the darkness or the light within himself .
20 In this way the diet is easy to adjust to your own requirements .
21 Moscato Spumante , Frassino £3.99 A sweet white wine from Italy , it was described as having a low local alcohol content which makes it easy to drink on its own and as an aperitif .
22 This location is almost impossible to reach in anything less than a Jeep .
23 Dent Town suffered its gradual loss of status passively and withdrew into its shell , content to look after its own affairs exclusively and be bypassed by a changing world .
24 All of these fascinating sites are connected by local footpaths so it 's easy to walk between them all .
25 Wait near the toilet for any resident who is unsafe to leave on their own and help them back to their room .
26 What does a course do for students that they would find difficult or impossible to do on their own ?
27 Impossible to live in his own house as things were .
28 Is could be seen as a classic example of the muddle that has been prevalent at the top of Welsh rugby except that the pressures here — unrecognisable from those in other home unions — are so many and varied that it is impossible to respond to them all , let alone resist them .
29 During 1986 , when several of The Wedding Present 's contemporaries were signed to major deals , they told the press they were quite content to stay on their own label but , in reality , they wanted to sign with a major label too .
30 After three years it was possible to revert to your own name or to have another false one , thereby preserving the anonymity .
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