Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ now ’ here instead corresponds to the ‘ now ’ on & alpha Centauri in 4.5 years ' time , because that is how long it takes light to get from here to there .
2 Millions of people living on the streets , congestion , pollution yet through it all , caring and a friendship which are not easy to come by even in the richest parts of the Western World .
3 San Antonio is , however , only one site in many to be investigated in detail by archaeologists and geomorphologists and it is too early to extrapolate from there to the Maya lowlands in general .
4 In any case , it is not appropriate to dwell to much on the past , as Highlander is very much an organisation of the present , and an institution which moves towards areas in which the controversial new issues are beginning to take place .
5 There was nothing to do but read , but it was impossible to read for long with Aunt Emily prowling about .
6 Ideas of a third force proved impossible to realise at least in the short term .
7 Right X is an angle and what 's the cosine of the angle so if we we look at it this way erm it 's supposed to go through there through the origin .
8 The transition from a ‘ corporate ’ team management to a more ‘ individual ’ single-authority general management seems likely to continue at least into the early 1990s .
9 The evidence is that at the present time there is a serious lack of resources to care adequately for the number of sufferers living in ordinary housing , and that this mismatch between numbers and resources is likely to increase at least to the end of the century .
10 The cafe is only supposed to open from 8am until 6pm MondaySaturday .
11 But UN officials in Bahrain , the regional field headquarters for the UN Special Commission ( UNSCOM ) entrusted with destroying Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction , said that team was now likely to stay at least until tomorrow .
12 You 'd be glad to get in there for half an hour but you would n't risk more than half an hour .
13 It was stupid to barge in here like this . ’
14 Obviously if you have an essentially period home it is good to keep at least within the spirit of the place , although conversely , one old piece in a very modern hall can look stunning .
15 Road works are due to start at 9pm on Friday .
16 With the adolescent , however , one will normally be able to communicate at least on a broadly similar level of sexual understanding with one 's own .
17 It follows that affirmative assessors must be able to discriminate at least between these two types of grief reaction .
18 I 've got it rigged so no one can find it but me , as I do n't want people being able to walk in here after dark and turn the lights on .
19 The second round of ‘ Unity ’ talks between the two opposing Unix factions are faring much better than the ill-fated first bout , though actual unity is unlikely to result at least in the short term .
20 Subtle but damning variations of idiolect are unlikely to count for much in a country where people go around wearing tee-shirts inscribed with things like ‘ The essence of brave 's aerial adventure : the flight 's academy of the American east club with the traditional gallery of Great Britain diesel ’ .
21 The loss of a significant relationship through death is , however , likely to be one that we have not been able to prepare for much in advance , and it is likely to be a loss that we do regret .
22 There has been little progress in reaching agreement on harmonising excise duties , and serious negotiations on this issue are not due to commence until early in 1992 .
23 I do n't wish to seem importunate , but if you do intend to sever the agreement I will be obliged to ask at least for the reimbursement of the expenses of my journey . ’
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