Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] he was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Grateful though he was — and there are few examples of anyone more grateful and generous than he was to those who had in any way helped him or even just been around in the bad times — he was not going to be craven or knuckle down like a goody-two-shoes .
2 This was interesting since he was on Coffin 's list of suspects .
3 With the exception of Bridgeman , the First Lord of the Admiralty , it is doubtful whether he was on close personal terms with any of them .
4 Absorbed as he was by the sight of a family in grief , a new phenomenon for him , he could not help observing , with some awe , the large number of military men present to testify to their friendship with the dead man .
5 Her father 's habitual mild-manneredness , which usually protected him from responding , became brittle and porous when he was in contact with his daughter : Miranda could see that he reacted to Xanthe 's silkiness as if she were n't a clear , sparkling water , but a fiery solvent that he , for all his well-preened feathers , could not resist .
6 When he refers to Montagu as ‘ the Assyrian ’ and his Queen Anne 's Gate house as ‘ the silken tents of Shem ’ , he was not being jealous or even anti-semitic , but complacently and affectionately mocking of Montagu , of whom he was almost as fond as he was of Venetia .
7 Fond as he was of aquatints and textured design , colour rarely entered his commentary vocabulary .
8 Memet did not contradict her , for , fond as he was of her , he had no intention of marrying her .
9 He looked like a Fred to me , being short , shaggy , pimply and with a big nose , and we were all delighted when he was on night duty with us because he then got the job of hauling the heavy haybox into the building and ladling out large dollops of this unidentifiable meal onto our plates .
10 He is also far more relaxed than he was for the majority of his Formula One career , laughing and joking with reporters and rivals .
11 As fit as he was at the Wychwood Forest Fair .
12 Joe started when Harry 's elbow caught him in the ribs as he said , ‘ I wonder if my illustrious brother will be as insufferable as he was during the Christmas holidays ? ’
13 He remembered being sick when he was on leave on Knossos .
14 In the presence of a Norman magnate of such power and dignity this other Norman Robert , monastic though he was by choice , harked back to his own heredity , and blossomed as if preening before a mirror .
15 Seb felt happy and comfortable when he was with Carrie — at least , he had before the night they had spent snowed-in together at the farm .
16 All this Lamprey saw , accustomed as he was to dealing with humanity .
17 He was in bathing trunks , more tanned than he was in real life , his body glistening with suntan oil , and she was aware that she , although she dared not picture herself , was in a bikini .
18 ‘ I 'm not even sure if he was at school at the same time as me . ’
19 Charman , who originally considered himself a bass player , was not sure whether he was in the right band .
20 He 'd learned to be very tidy when he was in prison .
21 As brilliant as he was on the course , so he was anonymous off it .
22 Angry as he was at the directors for failing to appreciate his talents and not understanding what he was driving at , Dustin was angrier with himself for losing jobs .
23 Crippled as he was from many falls , only lately taking their toll , he found in the lawn mower a kind of substitute for the experiences of earlier , dangerous days .
24 Busy as he was with college duties and with exceptional writing obligations , many of them with journalistic deadlines , he was always accessible to undergraduates and to old members , particularly his ex-pupils .
25 I rang the bell , bashed the knocker and rattled the letter box since this was guaranteed to provoke a tirade of the ‘ noisy young bastard ’ variety from Toby , who was probably in an irritable state , stranded as he was between the lunchtime and the early evening session .
26 Since she had begun by taking charge he had let her continue doing so , and had responded by being more feckless , lazier and more contrary than he was by nature .
27 There was certainly a large element of irony in his demeanour and conversation , although it was a quality not immediately apparent when he was in the company of more sober or " respectable " people ; in those circumstances he could , as it were , give as good as he got .
28 Proud though he was of his wife , Charles could not help noticing she was stealing the limelight .
29 Living as he was on the borders of his lost paradise , in the limitless landscape of childhood from which he had been banished into adulthood , an uncomfortable country , I sensed that Jean-Claude was continually grappling with the feeling that his present was a poor reflection of his past .
30 The hon. Member for Tooting was as wrong about the number of homeless as he was about the number of rough sleepers .
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