Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property , the supremacy of the market as a social regulator , the propriety of individual self-improvement and self-advancement , the abandonment of the traditional and irrational where they stood in the way of utility , and a belief in progress .
2 That 's damn funny where they went to !
3 Earlier , at a London news conference , Mr Ashdown challenged Mr Kinnock and Mr Major to make clear where they stood in the event of a hung parliament .
4 He can only conjecture that additional maturational innovations will not become hereditary unless they harmonize with the previous ones that are already being recapitulated in maturation .
5 The other end of the scale the erm Sun gets much of its editorial exclusives and material often running to five or six pages erm by covering the Royal Family erm in terms of language in that in the language used , the Sun erm tends to adopt a very simple writing style of one adjective erm sorry one verb and a number of adjectives with a couple of nouns , tends to be sentence went off around ten to twelve words and the design is also quite interesting because they like to sort of leave things out so you have a paragraph in normal type and then a paragraph in bold with big splodges next to it to highlight it .
6 Contract computer staff are also interesting because they differ from the traditional " temp " secretary .
7 But these people are not nice , orderly , home-and-family-loving because they believe in God .
8 Marxist critics argue that functionalist accounts of the state are vacuous because they consist of citing the consequences of particular actions as their causes ( Elster , 1986 ; also note 1 , p. 71 ) .
9 The sexually-transmitted diseases ( e.g. syphilis , gonorrhoea , AIDS and non-specific urethritis ) are so-called because they occur as a result of direct sexual contact with an infected partner .
10 As an inhouse technique the best practice reviews are low cost , and the findings are readily acceptable since they derive from the way familiar colleagues in the same overall business carry out their tasks .
11 It is not even clear whether they travelled in a Japanese or a Chinese ship : but either way they made secret contacts with Thakin friends who agreed to accompany them back to Japan .
12 Roads Minister Kenneth Carlisle said : ‘ If candidates had a more thorough knowledge of the Highway Code and other safety matters they would be more prepared when they take to the roads by themselves . ’
13 I of course has to invent this ceremony and I did it in Latin as they do at Oxford
14 The two were inseparable as they trailed around the neighbourhood , never leaving each other 's side .
15 The weather is unpredictable and the mountains exceptionally high as they climb towards the Vaults .
16 So , when the subject under debate is the country 's richest cultural jewel , feelings are likely to run at least as high as they did in Paris over the pyramid at the Louvre or in London over the National Gallery extension .
17 While there , he was able to forget the ritual of Monday morning when , in the darkness of winter or the bright light of summer 's early dawns , Celtic Crescent and the streets of Jewtown would be clamorous with the noise of horses being led from nearby stables and harnessed to carts , of men shouting instructions and calling to each other in Yiddish and English as they struggled under the weight of trunks and knapsacks stuffed to overflowing with clothes , fancy goods , kitchen articles , holy pictures , enlargements of family photographs — anything that might be suitable for selling from door to door on a weekly-payment basis .
18 The first if the ‘ bottom of the in-tray phenomenon ’ which refers to the continuous marginalisation , trivialisation and the hope that if the language issue is ignored everyone will learn English as they come through the Channel Tunnel .
19 Whole supermarkets in the Valley were stripped of their provender in a decorous food riot by the affluent , loading up their Wagoneers with Porterhouse and T-bone as they headed for the hills .
20 They were really afraid when they heard about the dangers of uranium .
21 It is the lens which completes the refraction of the rays of light as they pass through the posterior chamber ( which is filled with a jelloid substance , the vitreous humour ) .
22 People who already have breathing problems are badly affected if pollution levels are high when they come into the city centre .
23 The morale of the Lawrence Tiller Girls was high when they appeared in two Royal Command Performance shows before he retired in 1936
24 Cabinet members were tight-lipped and unsmiling as they emerged from Downing Street , but MPs were convinced that it had been a stormy session , with ministers bitterly fighting their corners in what has been described as the most stringent public spending round for years .
25 To discover whether Jews were as compassionate as they claimed to be he donned dark spectacles and stuck a notice to the rear window of his Buick : ‘ Careful !
26 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
27 Tappersdorf was a few stops along the line — countrified and still keeping a rural quietness : poplars masked a factory , behind pre-war houses with steeply pitched roofs fields of sprouts stretched away , the sprouts looking oddly sentient as they stood in their patient , frosty queues , waiting to be picked .
28 However , profit margins are tiny where they exist at all and ICI had made it clear that it was not chasing ‘ profitless prosperity . ’
29 And that 's the case with inner and outer , They are perhaps more fundamentally different er in some respects that than than other options for an outer where they go for example on the western where they 're totally outside , I would accept that .
30 They can seem quite dangerous if they come from the sky and land on someone 's head .
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