Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Katherine watched them and listened , she was suddenly aware that her father seemed different than he did in New York .
2 That evening Wycliffe 's after-dinner walk took him once more to Newlyn , but it was a fine evening and still light so he continued along the coast road , past the stone quarries , to Mousehole .
3 ‘ It was interesting because he arrived for the audition clearly drunk , ’ said Hauser .
4 The occasional sly lift is one thing but I suspect Irish referee Stephen Hilditch will become suspicious when he sees Adolf Malan waving at him from upon high while he waits for the throw .
5 C. I. Lewis used to claim that basic beliefs were ‘ certain' or ‘ incorrigible ’ ( Lewis , 1952 and 1946 , ch. 7 ) ; it is not always clear whether he thought of these as the same as being infallible or not .
6 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
7 Travis 's eyes were gleaming with mischief , though his face was grave when he looked at Paige .
8 It is not precisely clear when he knew of the extra cases .
9 It all seemed so clear when he appeared on the Frost programme two days before the Leader of the Opposition 's visit to Luigi 's restaurant .
10 But he made it clear when he arrived in Perth the next day that he disagreed with Marsh 's sacking , an interesting observation given that the players ' code of behaviour specifically states that they are not permitted to comment on selection decisions .
11 Juanito shook his head clear as he rounded on Trent .
12 I hoped that Mavis had n't passed on my thoughtless , remarks about his easy-going approach to work and was therefore somewhat self-conscious when he appeared in my office at half past two on the dot .
13 Things began to go wrong when he got into bad company .
14 Even the New Forest Hunt master admitted it was wrong when he spoke at a rival press conference .
15 Life in a small village could be deadly dull , and Henry had been absolutely charming when he chose to be .
16 Not that Rune could n't be charming when he wanted to , she reflected .
17 He did n't appear to have seen her in the water and Rachel had the advantage of watching him unobserved as he strolled along the poolside , a towel slung around his neck .
18 The thought was scarcely born before James Lambert himself appeared , hardly more than a shadow in the dusk , but unmistakable as he walked past the pile of kegs .
19 ‘ He was weight-weakened for the Lampkin defeat , so it was a case of being to heavy for that fight , and too light when he lost to Lewis . ’
20 He felt foolish as he looked at Molly who was on all fours amongst the pine needles looking at him in open mouthed amazement .
21 His gaze was inscrutable as he smiled at the American couple .
22 His heavily lined mahogany coloured face was unsmiling as he looked at them .
23 He does not observe or understand them as lessons in natural history , but knows their names and as much about their habits and life-history as he needs for his purpose .
24 glowed red-brown when he spoke to the flames .
25 Even now , he 's careful when he talks about Atlanta ; you can watch the thought behind his eyes .
26 Therefore , the Minister must be careful when he argues about the principle of the matter .
27 Moreover , it is difficult to believe that anyone who can be as dull as Hoccleve can , when using literary conventions , could suddenly become as lively as he does by merely adopting a new one : the ‘ autobiographical ’ convention .
28 Is it just a coincidence that Jesus is said to be thirty years old when he embarks on his ministry ?
29 He was almost two years old when he came to me .
30 They were moving with me all the time and er , the eldest child was four year 's old when he came to this country and er , two and a half year 's old the girl , younger to him .
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