Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [pron] had been " in BNC.

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1 The curtains were wet where they had been sucked into the fringe of the deluge .
2 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
3 Bedford was the only new earl created by Edward III after his family settlement in 1362 , and his patronage of the nobility was markedly less generous than it had been in the first two decades of his reign .
4 The population was becoming less markedly English than it had been at the beginning of the century , with a large number of Ulstermen ( who felt the operation of the leasehold system was squeezing them out of land they had conquered and settled in Ireland ) , Scotsmen , and Germans among the settlers .
5 Tom and Francis remained quite friendly until — ’ She changed her mind about continuing , which made Delia Sutherland more interested than she had been .
6 John Stevenson feels that this urban migration was important in restructuring the population of Britain , although Glynn and Oxborrow argue that this internal migration was less marked than it had been in the nineteenth century — being about one third of its former level .
7 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
8 In October 1989 , however , there were still 986,000 more people unemployed than there had been in October 1979 .
9 It would be equally grave if it had been a burglary charge but he was facing one of the most serious allegations you could make .
10 Things might have been different if there had been more consultation with industry people across the board .
11 The result might have been different if there had been a notice attached to the goods making it clear that these goods had nothing to do with the defendant 's business as a dealer in second-hand goods but had come from his home and that the sale of the goods was to be a private transaction .
12 Treaty did not of itself prevent a member state from imposing an ownership residence requirement as a condition for exemption from the compulsory acquisition of land , could not be followed in the present case for three reasons : ( a ) in the Fearon case , the owners ' residence requirement was not coupled with any nationality requirement and the court indicated in paragraph 10 of the judgment , at pp. 3685–3686 , that its decision would have been different if it had been ; ( b ) in the Fearon case , the residence requirement was limited to legal owners of the land and did not extend to peripheral persons , such as those who had lent the owners money in order to buy the land ; and ( c ) from the point of view of its geographical scope , the residence requirement at issue in the Fearon case was framed in local rather than national terms .
13 Can I just ask , would it be different if it had been a military aircraft ?
14 It could have been different if I had been accepted for the Forces , but this way I mean to make Marion my wife and I hope … well … well ’ — he jerked his head upwards — ‘ I may as well say it , that if I have a son , or for second best , a daughter , to carry on here .
15 ‘ It would have been more interesting if it had been more explicit , ’ she said .
16 After R. v. Samuel the police underwent a painful education , as a series of people charged with serious crimes on the basis of admissions went free because they had been wrongly denied access to a solicitor .
17 Maybe they all felt OK because no-one had been shot in a park .
18 Billy Dann 's office was long and narrow , almost as narrow as the desk placed across it just in front of the window , but very high because it had been partitioned out of a much bigger room .
19 The rift between the two men was particularly painful since they had been so close at first .
20 Then he spoke , his voice not quite as calm as it had been previously , the accent humming roughly in the depths of the tones .
21 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
22 Improvement ensued under Tub LM1 ( again taken from a 5ml dropper bottle ) although the patient commented that the wheeziness was n't as clear as it had been on the first Phosphorus .
23 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
24 Nor could the academic organization of the schools remain as rudimentary as it had been : communication and management would not just ‘ happen ’ in schools of a thousand pupils or more , and the stream of curriculum innovation needed to be carefully channelled — especially in a system where each school enjoyed considerable freedom in choosing patterns of study and teaching methods .
25 Secondly , the raising of the school leaving age in 1947 meant that the difference between types of secondary schooling was not so marked as it had been .
26 The empty dishes , china , and uneaten food had been taken away for examination , so the sight and smell were somewhat more palatable than they had been the day before .
27 Henry VII continued this exploitation of the Crown estates , which were far more extensive than they had been in 1433 .
28 Outside Europe the struggle in the sugar islands was less destructive than it had been 50 or 60 years earlier .
29 He 's a man who erm is qualified in the field of computer sciences and if your Lordship will hear has worked throughout his life in the fields of computers , banking and er in March of nineteen eighty five he left employment with a company known as Data Logic Limited where he had been employed as a banking consultant and decided at that stage er on a change of career erm and he was looking principally to acquire a wine bar , restaurant , country house hotel , something of that nature and er you will hear that after some early disappointments in the earlier part of nineteen eighty five when deals that er were on the horizon for premises in Oxfordshire and then in Chichester erm in early September the plaintiffs er saw and liked the wine bar in and offered the price of , the asking price of seventy five thousand pounds with stock er which was accepted .
30 During 1985 this issue was raised once again , though by then the extent of mass unemployment and urban de-industrialization and decay was more stark than it had been in 198l .
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