Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The reasons are neither sentimental nor superstitious although I accept that arguments for live worship can fall sometimes into these categories .
2 They are only likely to be resentful if they suspect that their parents are acting from nothing better than outraged respectability .
3 But we would be equally wrong if we believed that the development of rhythms depended wholly upon internal factors .
4 The Conservatives will , however , be very wrong if they think that the whole constitutional thing can be forgotten .
5 Minter , had he but known it , was right as well as wrong : right that Harry was running short of cash , wrong if he believed that currently mattered to him a jot .
6 The magnitude of the special needs post-holder 's task becomes clear if one considers that these skills are to be geared to assisting classroom teachers of varying lengths of career experience ( often considerably longer than that of the ‘ qualified ’ supporter ) and range of subject specialities ( beyond the supporter 's expertise ) — teachers already under pressure from many directions and with ambivalent feelings about ‘ hawing problems ’ and ‘ being seen as in need of help ’ ; and if one considers that the supporter 's extended task is to deepen these colleagues ' understanding of ‘ special ’ learning needs , to enhance their skills , discover and develop their strengths and the confidence that the professional know.how they possess can be summoned for responding more appropriately to most of the behavioural , emotional and learning difficulties they encounter .
7 The APA also questions the current rule that the state must prove that a defendant is sane if he claims that he is insane .
8 The mention of Cyprus is interesting because it shows that Egypt was not mere opportunism : the decision to attack Persia in strength on Cyprus had already been made .
9 I found that interesting because it appears that the Minister does not know how many doctors made a claim that was above the amount of the reimbursement schedule or , if he did know , he was unwilling to tell me , so I must presume that he did not know .
10 We may not like the fact that they stop exports — they affect some of the exports of my constituency — but they are bloody-minded because they think that they , too , are getting a rotten deal from the CAP .
11 Opposition Members do not believe that is very generous because we know that the cost of putting together a serious buy-out offer is likely to be nearer to £250,000 .
12 Hopes were high because it seemed that Britain might be prepared to modify its position : note had been taken of a speech made by Bevin in the House of Commons on 22 January 1948 when he commented that the idea of unity was undisputable and that ‘ the time is ripe for a consolidation of Western Europe ’ .
13 In fact , it was about the time that David and I both auditioned for Hair and we were both turned down which I thought was quite funny because it seemed that just about everyone else in London got the part , but we were very much the kind of solo singers and perhaps the wrong type .
14 and er actually Joan was quite embarrassed because she heard that you were in a box
15 The law , ‘ All planets move in ellipses around the sun ’ , is scientific because it claims that planets in fact move in ellipses and rules out orbits that are square or oval .
16 This shows that the actualization of the infinitive 's event is not what such sentences express , an analysis supported by Coates ( 1983 : 100 ) , who gives a similar argument for the meaning of can in her discussion of She can swim , and Palmer ( 1977 : 5 ) , who has pointed out that a sentence such as ( 12 ) is impossible because can " is not used to imply actuality in the past " : ( 12 ) * I ran fast and could catch the bus , Example ( 13 ) however is quite acceptable because it implies that the event did not take place , being seen merely as a possibility in the past ( i.e. a potentiality ) .
17 The person beset by fears and anxieties who nevertheless manages to present a confident exterior will often feel self-contempt because he feels that he is living a lie and that one day someone will catch him out .
18 We in Fontanellato were not afraid because we thought that apart from houses and farms we had nothing worth bombing .
19 It is a bit like taking a poll of general election candidates asking them to state in public whether they think that they will win .
20 A man I know told me that he was twenty years old before he realised that his mother really loved him .
21 Butler was , perhaps , not saying anything so very different when he observed that ‘ equal educational opportunity is not identical educational opportunity ’ .
22 Interesting though it may be to learn that there is a narrative-discourse-paragraph-introductory-particle in Huichol or Shipibo , it becomes decidedly less interesting when one discovers that the identification of the significance of these particles depends on a prior identification of the paragraph as a unit in which ‘ the speaker continues talking about the same thing ’ ( Grimes , 1975 : 103 ) .
23 It becomes interesting when it seems that Jane might hit Tom , or when one of them stops for a moment and thinks .
24 This is clear when we note that , given two different collections of incomparable subsets of
25 Similarly , in the assault on Ai ( Joshua 7–8 ) the true proportions of the narrative become clear when we realize that the disastrous loss of 36 men is matched by the setting of an ambush , not of 30,000 men of valour , but of 30 .
26 Frank Chapman , an executive council member of the EEPTU electricians ' union , was hissed and slow-handclapped when he asserted that scaling down nuclear power would put a brake on economic development in third world countries .
27 Darwin 's critics were wrong when they said that all my offspring would inherit half of it .
28 The spokesman , Rafi Horowitz , was wrong when he said that Palestinians could not claim their lands because they were citizens of a country at war with Israel .
29 My right hon. Friend must be wrong when he says that we are spending 4.3 per cent .
30 He was the first star to weather the storm of a dope scandal , emerging unscathed and proving the Indianapolis Star wrong when it prophesied that ‘ The public never did — never will — laugh off a dope scandal involving a screen favourite performer .
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