Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 While high pay is not a myth , it is not as high as is generally supposed — but if you turn into a super advertising star , the sky 's the limit .
2 The range of organisations that can provide you with back-up is far more extensive than is generally realised .
3 I have outlined one possible approach to reading discourses , whether racist or antiracist , which suggests that what is going on in and between them may be more complex and contradictory than is often allowed .
4 This may require close clinical supervision but , given that supervision , is generally much less demanding and fearful than is commonly supposed .
5 The double bass , too , is more versatile than is commonly recognised ( as is the bass guitar ) .
6 Their knowledge and experience of drama will be far more wide-ranging than is commonly acknowledged .
7 The popular culture of racism is neither so unified , nor the positions within it so fixed as is sometimes supposed .
8 Emperor Tetras are a quiet , peaceful fish and not as delicate as is sometimes thought .
9 Further , the physical and sexual abuse of women , which the evidence shows is much more widespread than is popularly believed , can not be understood in terms of anything other than patriarchal relations .
10 In reality heavy drinking is far more pervasive than is commonly realized and most drugs which are consumed to excess are prescribed by a GP rather than bought illegally .
11 If the phenomenon of mark up pricing ( alternatively known as ‘ administered ’ pricing ) is as widespread as is generally believed , what instruments of macroeconomic policy can governments bring to bear to alter — in this context , to reduce the real wage rate ?
12 The traditional " straight " view of the homosexual relationship as a kind of cheap imitation of that which typifies male-female interaction , while true of some couples , is much less generally applicable than is popularly thought .
13 This can lead to iatrogenic disease ( drug induced ) , a problem which may be far more wide-spread than is generally realised .
14 Mildew is more debilitating and weakening than is generally realized .
15 The ultimate sanction a country can levy — nationalisation ( expropriation ) of operations is not unknown , but is less frequent than is sometimes believed .
16 Edward IV 's financial legacy was not as healthy as is usually assumed and the administration seems to have found itself juggling income and expenditure with more than usual anxiety .
17 Edward IV 's financial legacy was not as healthy as is usually assumed and the administration seems to have found itself juggling income and expenditure with more than usual anxiety .
18 Details may vary and certain climatic zones may produce more individual features than others , as was suggested above for the glacial and arid climatic zones , but it seems to be doubtful whether fluvially controlled landscapes formed in different climates are as distinctive as is sometimes maintained ( Stoddart , 1969 ) .
19 Since the 16th century legislation has established an inquisitorial form of investigation into the dealings and assets of bankrupts which is calculated to yield potentially incriminating material , and in more recent times there have been many other examples , in widely separated fields , which are probably more numerous than is generally appreciated .
20 Another possible implication is that into the early years of the next century fewer old people will lack kin support or would be living alone than is often assumed .
21 These scholars , with their narrow reliance on sometimes incomplete statistics and a hypothetical input for ‘ social saving ’ , argue that the railways were much less important than is usually assumed , because if they had not existed , something else would have emerged to take their place .
22 This article analyses the constitutional aspects behind the formation of the first and second National Governments , examining in particular the role of the king in the formation of the two governments — a role which , as will be seen , was rather more important than is usually thought .
23 His own grammar and spelling may have been rather more classical than is often supposed .
24 However , although these disanalogies were fundamental , Darwin 's theorizing had not taken him out of the causal , lawful , deterministic Newtonian universe , into one as irreducibly acausal and absolutely probabilistic as is sometimes thought implicit in quantum mechanics .
25 Political commercials might not be as persuasive as is commonly thought , but there are few doubts as to the importance of candidate appearances on ‘ free ’ news broadcasts .
26 Psychiatrists are more easily shocked than is generally supposed .
27 Proportional representation in Parliament might translate into disproportionate power in government in a way that would make the established first-past-the-post inequalities look rather more fair than is often seen to be the case .
28 It is probably a lot more common than is generally realized , a background ‘ noise ’ which only becomes noticeable when emphasized to such a degree that we can no longer ignore it .
29 Back in Britain , the performance of the four regional companies — the Great Western , the Southern , the London Midland & Scottish and the London & North Eastern — that were nationalised in 1948 was by no means as dismal as is sometimes claimed .
30 The findings to be considered here ( and the broader body of research of which they are typical ) suggest that the link between education and occupation is much more tenuous than is often supposed and call into question many of the assumptions currently held about employers ’ attitudes to young workers and to educational standards .
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