Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] we have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I wish I could forget two London concerts he gave shortly before he died , but I prefer to remember him through performances as brilliant , powerful and exciting as we have on this set . ( )
2 My Department and the Secretary of State for Transport have already made submissions to the Commission that a standard high level of security — as high as we have in Britain — should be enforced across Europe .
3 We were always careful , but not as careful as we have to be now .
4 It is absurd that we have to be tied up in private Bill procedure in order to allow railway developments of the type that we are discussing tonight .
5 We had about fifteen minutes to go , and decided to try to continue to Viseu , since we could now pick up the VOR , and therefore find our way back to Vila Real if we had to .
6 The pace of change since the Second World War has been so swift that we have to be careful not to make assumptions about the past based on what we see around us every day .
7 It is unfortunate that we have in the Australia v New Zealand Second Test seen a player have his nose broken through illegal play , and the player 's union concerned choosing not to use this new law change .
8 And it will be hard when we have to photos
9 There 's a site to which this Society objected on Wetherby Road in Harrogate which we thought did n't need developing at all , but in practice the District Council decided they wanted it for industry because it considered the need for industry to be so great and we have along this frontage of Wetherby Road a row of three car showrooms and a token spot of industry behind it .
10 We wait as long as we have to . ’
11 There maybe societies where there is a privilege and inequality , but as long as we have in Britain a system where the head of the state , is head of state because the person inherited the position of being monarch and as long as we have a institution such as the House of Lords .
12 ‘ It will be tough and we have to be disciplined . ’
13 ‘ Ferguson will give us more threat up front than we had in the cup tie , when our performance , particularly in the second half , was shocking . ’
14 Cos the same thing still apply because most of the stuff was new but we had of hot stuff over the years like .
15 They were n't aware that we have in the internal telephone directory all the direct dialling lines listed .
16 We are apolitical although we have to be aware of the political impact our work can have in some areas .
17 While it is true that we have until now been concerned with consciousness , and used the term " mental events " in the ordinary way so as not to include all that may be included in the mental , the rest of the subject-matter of that domain is not thereby excluded from our coming reflections .
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