Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she could have " in BNC.

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1 She did not reflect that only a few weeks ago she would have thought it impossible that she could have lived the life of a servant , let alone bear eating and drinking in the den in which Rose and her ma lived , but she did know one thing — she would never take her comfortable life for granted again .
2 It seemed impossible that she could have fallen in love so swiftly and completely , especially when she 'd managed to remain heart-whole quite effortlessly all this time .
3 It was love , so real that she could have held it in her hand .
4 For three whole days she 'd blanked out the memory of that kiss they 'd shared , but now it came flooding back with a vengeance , hot and strong and so seductively real that she could have wept for shame .
5 She looked so relaxed and happy , smiling up at her husband , that George was convinced that she could have no idea that her attacker was employed by Stephen .
6 Her desire for such a life was so passionate , and her gratitude to Walter for this glimpse of it was so great that she could have kissed him in the street , and later that day she did in fact allow him to undo her brassiere strap without a word of protest .
7 Nigel was looking forward to the occasion and Gina had promised to be especially nice and polite as long as she could have one of her friends there to make up a foursome .
8 Earth was more beautiful than she could have imagined ; it did n't seem fair when everyone was out to kill her .
9 She seemed so angry that she could have been talking about hate , or revenge , or death , rather than love .
10 ‘ I do n't want your damn services as escort ! ’ she blazed at him , so angry that she could have hit him again .
11 Not a pretty death , but as peaceful as she could have hoped for , given the circumstances .
12 She tried hard to look composed , but it was more difficult than she could have imagined .
13 A friend said it would be wonderful if she could have a wood with an obelisk where she could go and sit , ’ says Gwyn .
14 He was so close that she could have touched him , and she wanted to touch him .
15 She wears an enormous white sweatshirt so bulky that she could have had it from Ludo .
16 It was debatable if she could have faced Guy Sterne across the breakfast table without them .
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