Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even within a mobile industry the staff turnover of 95% in 4 years was high and as the office handled a steady influx of new faces , there were subtle changes in the chemistry of the staff .
2 All information available is necessarily historical but as the past is mainly a reliable guide for the future it is useful in helping you decide whether you should or should n't give credit .
3 Second , it is possible that as the mass of the planet built up the volatiles were captured as gases from the planetary formation medium ( PFM ) by the gravitational field of the ( growing ) planet .
4 To investigateas necessary , and in particular : ( i ) to contactor seek to interview people as appropriate or as the court directs ; ( ii ) to bring to the court 's attentionall records and documents inspected which may assist the court in deciding the case ; ( iii ) to obtain professional adviceas appropriate or as the court may direct ; ( iv ) to file at court a written reportat least seven days before the final hearing , unless the court directs otherwise ; the court will then distribute copies of the report to the other parties .
5 To investigateas necessary , and in particular : ( i ) to contactor seek to interview people as appropriate or as the court directs ; ( ii ) to bring to the court 's attentionall records and documents inspected which may assist the court in deciding the case ; ( iii ) to obtain professional adviceas appropriate or as the court may direct ; ( iv ) to file at court a written reportat least seven days before the final hearing , unless the court directs otherwise ; the court will then distribute copies of the report to the other parties .
6 The House of Lords held that as the trustees were effectively one body and not all of them were resident in the United Kingdom there could be no income tax charge under Schedule D.
7 But it was not expandable and as the creature grew , it had to shed its shell regularly .
8 The sheep had huddled together to keep warm and as the drifts covered them the weaker animals were trampled and crushed beneath the stronger sheep that were struggling for air .
9 The sunlight is strong and as the water gets nearer the bright blue of the sky has less and less effect on the colours of the gravel bed and waving weeds until at the bottom of the picture you can see straight down into the clear water .
10 It is sadly obvious that as the author of the guidebook moved further south into regions more and more unfamiliar to him so his prejudices became more and more vitriolic .
11 It was inevitable that as the company expanded , so did the role of accountants and planners and Laura , however rueful , never once proposed that expansion should be blocked .
12 Given the right conditions the growth of the foliage will be quite fast and as the days get longer the flower buds will start to appear .
13 By exaggerating these postures the differences were obvious but as the paddle strokes were passed on from instructor to instructor the artificial distortions were slowly adopted into reality .
14 At first it was cool and rather pleasant but as the day wore on , the temperature in the room rose .
15 The polls before the 1970 election may have registered broad support for Labour but as the election result itself showed this support was conditional and unreliable .
16 We must make sure that as the economy grows , borrowing slows .
17 The percentage shareholding necessary to give control is problematical since as the degree of dispersal increases effective control can be exercised with a decreasing proportion of the votes , and certainly with considerably less than the 50 per cent required for a member or members to have the right to remove the board .
18 Although there was no causal connection between the two trends , it became evident that as the volume of legislation increased , public confidence in the ways of bringing offenders to justice and punishing the guilty declined .
19 We will still have the ability to carry today 's weapons such as the the L seven five five cluster bomb unit , the thousand pound bomb erm and the C R V seven rocket and things like that but clearly as we move forward into the century it 's important that as the platform progresses then so does the aircraft .
20 It meant that the moor had in the past few days become known not as somewhere unique and beautiful but as the place where a young girl had been killed .
21 This is not as objectionable though as the host of descriptions which virtually conceal the identity of the product and refer to it by any of a number of lurid , dramatic or pseudo scientific titles which bear little if any relationship to function .
22 Richards insisted he was not pressurizing the umpire but doing a celebratory dance , which seemed odd since as the umpire had not raised a finger at the time he had nothing to celebrate .
23 It was always apparent that as the AOR was completed many jobs and skills would not be required in the new orders that have come through .
24 It 's vital that as the economy improves we find ways to enable long term unemployed people to compete positively for jobs .
25 I was asked to be a coachman for Cinderella with my best friend , of course I was very excited and as the time grew nearer my costume was made and fitted .
26 Increasingly as the world becomes more and more competitive and as the skills of manufacture become more easily replicated , the selling of a defined product against a formula becomes , from a competitive point of view , a matter of cost and ability to command a market position .
27 Commissioned by Chapman & Hall , not as a novel but as the letterpress for a series of comic designs by Robert Seymour , 4 of which were to appear each month , about a club of sporting characters ; at that date novels were not published in monthly parts , a form commonly used for illustrated works .
28 ( Care must be taken in interpreting these probit equations : note that positive because the higher the price the more likely it is that all will be sold ; is positive because as the horizon approaches one gets less fussy , and so one is more likely to sell at a lower price ; the other signs follow from similar arguments . )
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