Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] you [vb base] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bedtime — you look as if you 'll fall asleep where you sit at any moment .
2 They product five superb maps of the reef , free if you call at their offices near the quay .
3 Be careful if you stay at this level for long .
4 The answer , I think , is quite clear when you look at the definition again , but it is not necessarily clear at first reading .
5 Just how consistent it is with the prevailing relationship of disabled people to our able-bodied society comes clear when you look at some of the many questions which can be raised .
6 It do n't look very clear when you look at it , but the sun and that it was it were n't half hot that day .
7 they must keep turning round to your right until you point at them , and you must n't go the short way , and you can play like erm , sort of version of musical chairs where you eliminate the ones who get it wrong , you know ,
8 ‘ I 'm so glad that you know at last , ’ she said .
9 ‘ You 'd think there 'd be no one left when you look at the city .
10 Readable , full of erm , empirical evidence about costs of agricultural protection , and what 's happened to agricultural prices and I re I do recommend that you have a look at it if you , it 's an invaluable if you look at anything , look at , look at this one article .
11 In practice it is quite complex because you need at least six lasers to trap a clump of atoms ; the lasers also have to be tuned to the natural movement of the atoms .
12 Tags such as Modern , Post-Modern , High-Tech or even Neo-Classical are wholly redundant when you stare at this subtopian , A-road architecture .
13 ‘ I know it may seem ludicrous when you look at what we have now , to talk about hard times .
14 As long as you go at a slow , steady pace , the job can be done and you none the wiser .
15 As far as the actual average salary is concerned if you look at page nineteen paragraph K a white page on your report , page nineteen , paragraph K and there you will see that you 're promised an audit report on the position relating to teachers ' salaries , I can confirm that the position is consistent with the remarks that , that were made earlier on , cos you have within the budget here sufficient money to provide for our current estimate of next year 's actual earning salary in these schools .
16 ‘ You 're tenacious and you get at the truth .
17 I think it just gets too complicated when you look at the various contracts .
18 Remember that the amount of care and time that you take in pressing your material will be very apparent when you look at your finished work , so never be tempted to cut corners .
19 But in handwriting that 's under exam conditions with grammar to match , right , and you g and you get pages of it an most of which is absolutely irrelevant if you look at the question .
20 In fact although sometimes the rate of progress or the pace of technology seems sort of frustratingly slow if you look at what has actually changed , what has been achieved over the last five years , it 's quite incredible .
21 Menus are totally incomprehensible unless you understand at least some of the language .
22 The other day , they 're dirty , they had n't been washed they 're dirty when you look at them in daylight .
23 The judge told Guppy : ‘ I am satisfied that you have at least as much as Marsh stacked away somewhere .
24 Is that really so bad when you look at it in perspective ?
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