Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i have [been] " in BNC.

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1 I am afraid that I have been indiscreet . ’
2 I warn the House — I am afraid that I have been an awful bore in continually pointing this out — that , as we extend the concept of health care out into the community , we shall find more and more unsatisfied demands that have not previously been recognised .
3 I am fourteen years old and I have been keeping fancy Goldfish for about a year now .
4 Not only have your reports been first-lass but I have been particularly pleased that you were able to establish and maintain such good relations with the girl 's family and with the police .
5 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
6 It really should not strike you as odd that I have been enquiring into your affairs — if I may so phrase it .
7 ‘ I am sorry that I have been so ungrateful in the past for your many generous acts , ’ it began .
8 Dear love , I get plenty of time to think about us these days , and I 'm more than ever grateful that I have been given such a wonderful person as you to be my wife .
9 That was the point , I thought , but perhaps machines are more versatile than I have been informed they are .
10 I am delighted that I have been able to hit on that point , because the flexibility means that the Opposition can not claim that they will not have enough time to debate those clauses .
11 I try to ride last so I can stop now and then to be alone , to look back and be glad that I have been able to come this way , but Tony has the feeling too and has bagged the back spot for the morning run .
12 I am acutely conscious that I have been a source of aggravation to Pa recently over my stupid allergy to vegetables ; it can not be pleasant to see the products one has slaved over summer and winter being regurgitated on to the dinner plate of one 's elder child .
13 ‘ It is obvious that I have been exploited for propaganda purposes in a film in which I should never have allowed myself to appear , ’ he bitterly commented afterwards .
14 No , I would have done it exactly the same , I would have just hoped that I would have been as lucky as I have been .
15 Now it is three months ’ rest and come the start of the 1991 season I 'll be ready to go again , more confident than I have been for a long time .
16 I feel just as guilty because I have been here five Sundays and not come to church on any of them .
17 Situations are more dynamic than I have been able to describe .
18 I would wish to express my very great anguish to all those women concerned if I have been taught an inadequate technique , ’ she said .
19 After the hearing the woman said : ‘ It 's ridiculous that I have been brought to court .
20 I 'm more optimistic than I have been for the past few years . ’
21 Silicon Amnesia Sir : I bought your magazine for the first time this month and was very annoyed that I have been missing out on an excellent value piece of publishing catering to beginners ( me ) and experienced alike .
22 Wilkinson admitted : ‘ I am keeping all my options open and I have been thinking about whether I should play Rocastle .
23 I am worried because I have been : in contact with polio/on a blind in Paris/reading the Readers Digest .
24 I think that I am probably a bit sharper in the burst than over the long distance but during the two ‘ B ’ games I felt really sharp and I have been working on my speed and strength with the SRU fitness specialist , David McLean ’ .
25 At the end of this fourth volume , I am still not certain whether I have been reading about a great man , any more than I was at the end of the third volume , or the second , or the first .
26 My wife Pam has been for some time aware that I have been having an on-going relationship with Suzannah , who I believe is known to some of you .
27 In his Chicago lectures , for example , he described how certain passages of Notes toward the Definition of Culture had been exposed as a " mass of contradictions " and , at the end , he also made a rueful disclaimer — " I am quite aware that I have been trying to persuade , although I may not be quite sure of what " .
28 Is the Minister aware that I have been asking this question , mostly of him , for the past 13 years and that that reply reflects how serious is youth unemployment in Scotland ?
29 Is he aware that I have been carrying out my own investigations , including a trip through the channel ?
30 In drawing comparisons between the state of credit marketing in the US and her , I am mindful that I have been in the UK for a long time and of that famous Bacon quote , ‘ Time is the greatest innovator ’ .
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