Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 O'Connell says the company was proud to say that it had won Posix-compliance and it now hopes to gain X/Open 's XPG branding .
2 Vincent 's aim , naive though it now seems , was to turn out drawings presentable enough to bring in a few francs .
3 Incredible though it now seems , the tomato , brought by the Spaniards from Peru to Spain at the close of the sixteenth century and shortly afterwards planted in France , Portugal , Italy and England , was well known to us as an ornamental plant for two hundred years before its culinary possibilities were perceived .
4 In fact , it is so proud that it now boasts at a European level of the cheap U K labour costs and the lack of workers ' rights .
5 In any case , Rutter 's ridicule seems a grotesquely inappropriate response to our constructive and it now seems , prescient , suggestion made some six years before he first presented his own distinguished views on the subject of lead pollution .
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