Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although this might seem in one sense to be an unequivocal expression of deference , it becomes clear that it is purely conventional as soon as one imagines an Englishman acting in this way in the presence of his Queen .
2 The Bible is quite clear that it is always a mistake for a Christian to go out with a non-Christian .
3 It is clear that it is still campaigning to have licensed growth promotions reinstated for beef cattle .
4 Our amendments make it absolutely clear that it is only the deliberate promotion of homosexuality by local authorities that would be affected .
5 In fact the wording of the Act makes it clear that it is only as mothers that women are given priority in the public sector .
6 Hence , even when a referendum takes place in Britain , Parliament takes care to make it clear that it is only a " consultative " measure .
7 ‘ The time has come to make it clear that it is only where a taxpayer has established the existence of a profit-generating operation carried on by him outside Hong Kong that he can hope to escape the charge to profits tax imposed by section 14 .
8 Thus , although he does not enumerate a catalogue of rights it seems clear that it is chiefly the conventional political and civil liberties , including a right to freedom of conscience , that are associated with the traditional doctrine of liberalism which would qualify as rights in the strong sense .
9 However , it is not clear that it is substantially more humiliating and distressing than forced acts of oral sex or object penetration .
10 It is quite clear that it is too late to introduce new terms by reference to them on an invoice .
11 Or is it so high that it is too cool for crops to ripen ?
12 In historical time , the household formed the unit of work and the division between paid work and domestic work was less clear than it is to-day .
13 Bermuda in the mid-30s was even more charming than it is now : motor cars were not allowed on the island and most residents travelled on bicycles , usually with a large wicker pannier between the handle-bars .
14 Like most villages , Lund in past times was much more self-sufficient than it is now , with its own grocers , shoemakers , tailors and the like and , during the 19th century , a second public house , the Speed the Plough .
15 But as it was accepted into this relatively formal literary genre , [ h ] -loss seems to have been much less overtly stigmatized than it is today .
16 First , non-response was high and it is now known that , as a category , non-respondents are often very different in a number of relevant respects from those who do respond .
17 Fish is very popular and it is still preserved and smoked by traditional methods .
18 The nature of the act or omission demanded is immaterial and it is also immaterial whether the menaces relate to action to be taken by the person making the demand .
19 The Chalice can be empty if it is too difficult for friends to carry with wine in it .
20 We have been told for several centuries now that every child is naturally different and it is therefore wrong to impose on one the mould which has been prepared for others unlike it .
21 As explained earlier when describing the model of living and the model for nursing , the 12 ALs are interrelated ; so too the body systems as categorised by the human biologists are interrelated and it is only for the purposes of description and discussion that they are dealt with separately .
22 Evaluation is still rudimentary but it is increasingly accepted that with services as massive and costly as those described we must develop techniques for measuring their impact and comparing the success and failure of different approaches .
23 He knows he is doing wrong but it is just that , in certain situations of moral dilemma he has to act in ways that involve violence .
24 It is shown here in antique brown but it is also available in white .
25 The name is unfamiliar but it is only what its name implies : the capital liabilities that have been discharged , in this case , by repayment of loans .
26 " At Advanced level in History , the ability to write serviceable English is a prerequisite but it is even less frequently attained .
27 Again , I have seen it said : this is all very interesting but it is hardly new .
28 Debt is common among the poor and unemployed but it is certainly not confined to them .
29 Diverse cropping such as this is ecologically sound because it is much more akin to the rainforest that it replaces , in contrast to monoculture , and provides a year-round protective cover for the soil .
30 Even in the pristine atmosphere , unpolluted by humans , this layer appears highly unstable since it is constantly being formed and broken down , mainly by the action of ultraviolet radiation .
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