Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder , although it was clear that she had become somewhat withdrawn and had lost confidence in herself since the break-up of her relationship with her boyfriend .
2 It was clear that she had picked up a lot from the Prince 's own style , especially the self-deprecating wit .
3 Other speakers followed , but it soon became clear that she had spoken for ail present .
4 Life in the office was tense , but the work was far more interesting than she had imagined it would be .
5 Now that she saw Rupert again he was rather less interesting than she had remembered — a little older , slightly inhibited in his conversation , and unresponsive to her semi-flirtatious looks and remarks in a way that puzzled her .
6 We are all very saddened that she has died .
7 She had stopped being so afraid once she had heard him talking to her mother .
8 He was taller than she remembered , more powerfully built , the angles of his face even harder and more menacing than she had recalled coming up in the lift .
9 Giles 's motive in telling her of his expectations was so transparent that she had lost interest in him .
10 It is doubtful that she has transformed the role of the Prime Minister in British politics .
11 ‘ Of course it 's lovely having tea , ’ said Ianthe , afraid that she had sounded ungracious .
12 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
13 Because the queues at the sandwich bar had been so horrendous that she had decided to go without lunch and now she was feeling disconnected and light-headed .
14 From what her mother had told her the experience would be horrendous and she had cried herself to sleep for the past week thinking about it .
15 The few rooms were large and high and she had painted the walls in pale yellows and greens .
16 Well I , I met him actually through er I was nursing erm a baby , she was only three months old and she 'd had , she 'd caught , from her older sister she 'd caught whooping cough .
17 Then he said , ‘ It 's nothing to do with what 's right or wrong , just that she 's old and she 's got nowhere to go . ’
18 So she 's completely and totally paralysed but she 's paralysed and can feel pain .
19 Afraid lest she had revealed too much , she added quickly , ‘ Tell me about your visit to Maythorpe House . ’
20 It was not immediately clear whether she had fallen or been murdered .
21 The transmat journey had been as brief , uneventful and nauseating as she had expected .
22 The city spread out below her looked so calm , almost as calm as she had felt such a little time before .
23 He was younger than she had supposed from Jenny 's description — in his early thirties , and as good-looking as she had expected .
24 He would think it funny when she had said she had to hurry if she just went on sitting there , so she got up to go .
25 Dot had been right all along and Mrs Parvis wrong when she 'd insisted that it was all over bar the shouting .
26 You know , think it was about ten year old when she got rid of it .
27 Donna saw it in the rear-view mirror , convinced and elated that she 'd done it crippling damage .
28 These words are well past her point of failure in the Schonell Test ( that is , ten consecutive errors ) , and so it is possible that she had reached a level of frustration : feeling that all the words were too difficult she ceased to think carefully about whether what she was writing down was likely , and simply put down anything that came to mind .
29 Was it possible that she had tried to bribe the undertaker with her body ?
30 Was it possible that she had allowed Harry to make love to her ?
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