Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] they be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All the doctors are achieving with their uncontrollable itch to boss , patronise and distribute public money is to establish an idiotic certainty in our morally confused age that condoms ought to be free because they are something the government wants us to use .
2 No , they 're not as sensible as they are you remember in Prestley when we went there so what er , perhaps , especially for solid places , solid with the roads in Germany
3 Although I did n't expect the floods to be as high as they were my friend , Matthew , and I had planned to go out in this American style canoe .
4 Erm , this was in fact something you know , coming from , I think the feminist movement and very much a a it was quite new for middle class women to go out and work , and you know they are now aghast that they 're you know , having to juggle all these things but these were traditions that had in fact , been handed down .
5 Wales were convinced that they were one up on Scotland in having already experienced Joel Dume in their England match , while the Sassenachs ' top brass reckoned Scotland would be at a definite disadvantage for the first 20 minutes .
6 With the latter , each case , each murder , was a duel with a murderer who , of necessity , had to be almost as brilliantly clever as they were themselves .
7 That 's what a great library is all about … books so magnificent that they are your pride and joy … a statement about you .
8 Well what they 're doing actually it 's quite right because they 're they tended to play the long ball to Steve Walsh so that he could head it down and what they 're doing actually they 've got two four foot eight forwards in Jochim and Speedy and a nine foot seven winger Ormanroyd
9 They were quite happy where they were you see .
10 Fresh vegetable soups also feature on some menus — but delicious as they are you should try to limit those made with cream ( such as lettuce and asparagus ) .
11 I mean , I did it for four months and then I could n't do any more , I just think I mean , I know Amanda and Claire were a lot younger then and I think it 's difficult when they are they 're younger .
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