Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it did [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The revolution at Northampton may have been different but it did have uncanny echoes of what had gone on at Neath .
2 As their only match preparation for the Test , it was patently inadequate but it did alert them to the vast difference between the cricketing conditions and environment in the Caribbean and those in Australia and New Zealand where they had performed so impressively in gaining the semi-finals of the World Cup .
3 We fixed it up as well as we could — which was n't well but it did give us both somewhere to live away from our parents , a first real taste of independence .
4 She must of turns her , hers up full cos it did go cold did n't it I mean , outside ?
5 It was an attempt at prohibition that was never wholly successful but it did set an example .
6 And there were a ninety yard dr drop but er Had it happen it very often of course , but it was rather unnerving when it did happen .
7 I can not truthfully say that my work experience directly influenced my ambitions career wise but it did show me that the music business is not about ‘ Top of the Pops ’ but about a day 's work to be proud of .
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