Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [vb -s] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The often mentioned ‘ crisis ’ in British broadcasting — ‘ crisis ’ , in Gouldner 's phrase , being that the system ‘ may , relatively soon , become something quite different than it has been ’ — thus acts as a backdrop for numerous contemporary analyses of broadcasting .
2 Whether the less common B II state actually exists in solution is not clear and it has been suggested that its appearance may be linked to crystal packing effects ( 3–5 ) .
3 The demonstration should not go wrong if it has been adequately rehearsed beforehand .
4 I think I 'll stick with Lulu — I 'm not superstitious but it 's been so good for me up until now that I 'm not going to throw it away .
5 It smells different when it 's been raining and our clothes are wet .
6 ‘ All groups have said we will review it in September and there is a general feeling that the charge should not have been set as high as it has been . ’
7 For instance , Yadin Dudai in Jerusalem , amongst others , has exploited the behavioural and biochemical possibilities opened up by mutations amongst fruit flies ; for him and some other neurobiologists Drosophila has become as popular as it has been for most of this century for geneticists .
8 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
9 You 're quite right that it 's been dealt with in an extraordinary number of soaps because , in Brookside , Tracey Corkhill has had an abortion and the story 's been tied in with fatherhood — with Barry , her lover , losing out on fatherhood .
10 I 'm confident that the scheme wo n't cost anything like as much as the estimate , but I 'm , I 'm sure it 's right that it 's been , having having done some background work to see how many people might claim it I 'm confident that that we 've erred on the safe side here by a substantial amount , and that 's why I 'm sure it can be met from the overall budget .
11 The muted colours of Pavlos 's objects derives from the relation of the many cut edges to the printed colours of the paper , which are only visible where it has been spread open .
12 If merely set at a given focal length , the zoom lens will simply act as a normal though infinitely variable lens ( between its limits ) and the viewer will be unaware that it has been used at all .
13 I foresee the photographic work becoming much more project oriented than it has been — for specific publications etc .
14 There are special toothpastes which are not harmful if swallowed , and brushing your dog 's teeth is actually very easy once it has been demonstrated by a vet .
15 He called for a reduction in the special car tax , and I am sure that he will be delighted that it has been halved .
16 You realise how subtle it is when you watch a beaver painstakingly placing a pole on its dam , being visibly dissatisfied with its position , removing it and tugging it into another , until it is at last convinced that it has been effectively deployed .
17 They 'd , they had to because there were , they got , when , after the union was formed you know , they were having the rights er but and I think really the hours they put in and the type of work they deserved it , but erm there was a time you know when the bosses were bossy sort of thing , and er and you adhered to that , because you did n't know anything different until erm the unions started up , but erm I know there were one or two processions you know and peer rights and all this that and the other , but erm on the whole it 's er it 's been an eventful life in , in some ways , very eventful and it 's been interesting .
18 The spearhead is dangerous because it has been dipped into the poison of communal rivalry between the 80%-plus of India that is Hindu and the 11% that is Muslim .
19 We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one , and who grieve with their memories .
20 Considerably more work will be required to investigate this possibility , but it is particularly intriguing as it has been suggested that sorghum and millet were domesticated somewhere in the African savannah zone .
21 It 's tremendous as it 's been dry for 10 years .
22 It 's still as pure as it has been for thousands of years . ’
23 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
24 The people are very tolerant and it has been overheard that I speak better Portuguese than I do English .
25 The heartache and suffering over the centuries has made them tough and strong and it 's been a slow evolution .
26 The transcript of the " trial " is so unique that it has been reproduced here in full …
27 I think to its detriment , it has been very white and it has been very historically specific , but the more I hear about what women are doing in Africa and India I think that the visions are very similar even though the words sometimes are different .
28 The villa is very beautiful and large and it has been possible for myself and my baby and my husband to stay together which is a very great privilege and one I did not look to have extended to me .
29 From July 22 , EC Directive 2092/91 comes into force , making it an offence to describe a wine as organic unless it has been approved by a governing body , itself approved by the EC .
30 Inside Newark 's award-winning display hangar , Prentice T.1 VR249 is receiving a repaint , the silver finish achieved being all the more remarkable because it has been rollered on , not sprayed .
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