Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [adv] [is] " in BNC.

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1 If you were it probably be a bit different than it actually is dad said to me once that if he , that if he 'd like been in charge of it we 'd of gone to the Leeds and not St Augustine 's
2 Or is this a counsel of despair which makes the culture of racism seem more entrenched and unchangeable than it really is ?
3 This deficiency should n't affect the yield and tends to look more serious than it actually is .
4 It can look more serious than it actually is .
5 All that can be said is that Labour has lost elections in the past when the press was more favourable than it now is .
6 This applies equally to carving , but that 's still not easy and it certainly is n't fast .
7 It was certainly far more polluted than it ever is today .
8 This last ingredient sounds more sinister than it actually is .
9 Does n't have to be current but it usually is .
10 Map 2 ( page 11 ) shows the true dimensions , but it appears to be twice as long as it actually is .
11 Thus the entire top management process — preparation , testing , succes-sion — will become even more problematic than it already is .
12 I would first like to explain your obligations on an issue which has caused a great deal of concern and confusion for returners by being made to appear much more complicated than it actually is .
13 Experiments have shown that we tend to hear speech as more rhythmical than it actually is , and one suspects that this is what the proponents of the stress-timed rhythm theory have been led to do in their auditory analysis of English rhythm .
14 That means the cooking is even more dreadful than it usually is in these places . ’
15 The language of the patent , ambiguous as it always is , emphasised how elimination of the spine could remove the risk of distortion and subsequent uneven distribution of pressure .
16 However , I ca n't help wondering how many people after seeing the engraving based on Turner 's painting by Middiman and Pye of Hardraw Force got off their wagonettes and hurried through the door of the Green Dragon Inn — only to be underwhelmed by a narrow , peaceful , tree-clad valley that leads serenely to a rocky bow with a high fall dropping from its lip to the valley floor which , impressive though it certainly is ( particularly after heavy rains ) , is nothing like the falls depicted by Turner .
17 ‘ Oh , Mama , do n't make it more difficult than it already is .
18 The ability of the counsellor to be part of a group , fully involved and an interested party , but at the same time an ‘ observer ’ , may appear to be more difficult than it really is .
19 He seems to view life as more complicated and difficult than it really is , and he has the problem of unending frustration , and trying to control his life , and the Government ( look at that SDP broadcast ) , which he clearly never does .
20 Friends who have seen our 60-minute plot in action are amazed that it really is working .
21 Its eyes were no longer the eyes of a cow — they were blue and vacant , like the eyes of a mad person sending images to the brain of a world other than it really is .
22 Misleading as it often is , the notion of the repressed homosexual does accurately describe some people .
23 Learn to master the simple move before attempting more complex ones , and remember that because of the viewing angle the pitch does n't seem as wide as it really is .
24 On such days the hills hold a mixture of azure and gold never seen at any other time of year ; the cobalt sky is more intense than it ever is in summer , and the straw-coloured hills shine strong in the light from the low winter sun .
25 The second is that , in fact , direct democracy could be a great deal more widely practised than it actually is , and that some modern technological developments have made it easier to implement than it might have been a century ago .
26 ‘ After all , cricket is meant to be above all that — playing sport should be fun and it certainly is n't when you are confined to your hotel all the time . ’
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