Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 This structural province lies on the northern flank of the Swarte Bank High and is analogous to the Hewett Sub-Basin ( Profile 1 , Fig. 8 ) .
2 Nagel refers to Adam Smith whom he takes to be advocating , as a matter of reason , the restriction of moral judgment only to that which the agent has done in a narrow sense because to attribute responsibility for that beyond the agent 's control seems irrational and is akin to strict liability .
3 The SCREAM of a cat in agony is unmistakable and is similar to the scream of many other animals when being badly hurt or terrorized .
4 It is in the best interest of the school to make sure that the meals offered on the premises are value for money , nutritionally sound and are attractive to children .
5 Standards of performance are essential to motivation , together with adequate and are essential to motivation , together with adequate and timely feedback of results .
6 I have noted above that in both social and historical linguistics the position of the observer is crucial and is relevant to the interpretative phase in that the observer may affect the data in some way .
7 The problem is more acute if the overall demand for money is inelastic and is subject to fluctuations .
8 Zeodary is an aromatic spice , related to turmeric and is native to India and Indonesia .
9 Tess became more and more exhausted and was near to fainting when they finally stopped .
10 Russian women are tremendously strong and are used to finding inventive solutions to everyday problems .
11 If your application is made because you are ill or are likely to be ill on polling day you can have your application attested by a doctor , a suitably qualified nurse ( first level nurse trained in general nursing ) or a Christian Science practitioner .
12 We are glad that is able to be with us twice this season , and that has agreed to continue her regular music lessons for the early birds as well as taking a number of sessions. , and make up the rest of the team and we all look forward to working with you .
13 A clause which defines or clarifies the antecedent and is essential to the meaning of the complete sentence .
14 But clerks were human and were open to the temptations of life .
15 Another in 1687 was less lucky and was obliged to be satisfied with only £50 a week .
16 Both are proven products which are natural and are subject to imitation — with varying degrees of success in colour , texture , and weathering .
17 It is the originator of the Danish Blue-and-White and is similar to France 's Bleu du Nord .
18 — All variable costs remain unchanged and are proportional to volume within this range of activity .
19 And , secondly , company law set about the task of demonstrating that the power of corporate managers was not unlimited but was subject to checks and controls which ensured that it could not be used for the manager 's own purposes or for any other arbitrary end .
20 So this leads to a kind of erm stratigraphic view of the mind , with the unconscious , which is everything that is permanently excluded from conscious consciousness by repression , the pre-conscious which is what is not currently conscious but is accessible to consciousness , you can recall it in other words , and the conscious is what you 're presently aware of .
21 It has become popular to explain anything puzzling as being due to some supernatural power , but this is a short cut to complacency .
22 In law , however , it has no force , and a doctor must ignore it if it requests him to do that which is otherwise unlawful or is contrary to the duty he owes to any patient .
23 ‘ As long as you are well and are nice to me , ’ he wrote , ‘ I do n't give a damn if everything else goes wrong . ’
24 The information contained in this Document is selective and is subject to updating , expansion , revision and amendment .
25 The period of development of the laws of war up to 1914 saw the establishment of two basic principles which continue to be applicable and are relevant to nuclear weapons .
26 If you are completely beaten by this painstaking stage of pressed flower work , then I suggest that you consult your local framer , who should be very helpful and be able to quickly produce the professional finish that you want .
27 Other sites produced DNase I footprints and enhanced reaction with diethylpyrocarbonate but were refractory to cleavage .
28 Some , who have experienced only the old-style rote learning of facts and dates , may well believe that the subject is already educationally bankrupt and will take a great deal of persuading that history is not only educationally solvent and viable but is vital to the balance and well-being of the curricular economy of the 1990s .
29 ( b ) It used to be thought that sterilisation ( perhaps only of a man ) without just cause was unlawful as being contrary to the public interest .
30 So , be presentable , be articulate and be pleasant to everyone you meet .
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