Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] say [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was still convinced that there was something wrong and said that he had noticed some urethral discharge first thing in the morning and also a slight ‘ tingle ’ when he first passed urine in the day .
2 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
3 An engineer 's report had condemned the spire as dangerous and said that it must be dismantled .
4 I must be honest and say that I do n't think I 'll ever run that fast .
5 That is quite a lot ; but why be more ambitious and say that it makes the place of mind in Nature more intelligible to us ?
6 Baldwin agreed that the request for a special bill was reasonable and said that he would commend it to his colleagues .
7 That glow was swiftly dampened , however , as she realised that in one and the same breath he was as good as saying that he was aware of Lubor Ondrus 's propensity to flirt with any female who was a quarter way pretty .
8 My last migraine of any consequence was over four months ago , but I would not be so brash as to say that I have been cured .
9 For example , if we take those words there , I I hope that most of you can work out that that says , the cat , right , some of you can be difficult and say that you ca n't but I should think that most of you can .
10 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
11 ‘ I 'm not really inclined to do a post-mortem on ‘ Provision ’ , other than to say that I acknowledge that it was less successful and less fun than the previous album , ’ he says in a most matter-of-fact voice .
12 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
13 He declined to comment on the progress of his mission other than to say that his visit had been " very , very useful " .
14 wilko knows about tore but leeds has shown no interest in him other than saying that they know about this player .
15 Sir John died seven years ago , but in all that time Lavinia has not increased Benedict 's allowance , as she might well have done , nor made any provision for his accommodation , other than saying that he might live at Merchiston Lodge if he chose . ’
16 This was not strictly true , but it was certainly more true than saying that he was gay .
17 And at the end of the village there lived an old woman who was very very wise and said if you want to live for ever then you must speak to the person who 's the oldest person I know .
18 frightened and said that he would
19 Two or three months after that he 's got a new product out they 're trying to keep it slightly quiet and saying that it 's not a world beater and sort of er go back to their more in innovative .
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