Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [Wh det] is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But what is included is less revealing than what is excluded : all the excessive elements of working-class consumption that refuse to fit neatly into this socialist continence — Stanley knives , lurid cocktails , Blind Date , trash videos , tabloids , bingo , heavy metal , Club 18–30 …
2 It seems cruel that what is encouraged and praised in girls as children ( and is also , after all , an expression of identity and creativity which little boys too could benefit from ) is suddenly , at age eleven seen as vanity , and a sign of low intellect .
3 I am convinced that what is needed in initial teacher education is not just to instil respect for a particular form of academic learning .
4 You see , your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined ; so , although the information it had received during those twelve days was in fact a product of Sylvia 's imagination , the effect on her subconscious was precisely the same as if it had been actual experience .
5 Full-grain : leather that has the grain layer substantially intact and which is finished on the grain side .
6 Thus her household , which is unusual if not unique and which is financed at least partly by a charitable trust , in July this year totalled 39 individuals including adult helpers and some 12 children under the age of 16 .
7 Without greater honesty , we shall not combat effectively some of the extreme and ugly negativism which is widespread and which is epitomised by the derogatory phrases which Isaacs ( 1981 ) describes as ‘ defamatory ’ like ‘ old Crumble ’ .
8 The fact that existing structures of policing ( or defence ) are more effective than what is proposed is less important than the principle that such matters should be the preserve of a united European Government .
9 For the DPP Miss Goddard said that mere delay is not capable of being an abuse of the process unless the delay is so great that what is sought by the Crown is no longer the vindication of justice but amounts to oppression or harassment of a defendant .
10 Consider an example from the new Collins Cobuild dictionary ( 1987 ) , of which Sinclair is editor-in-chief and which is based on just the kind of computer analysis of text that he refers to .
11 If not , how long and what is needed to bring them to state of readiness and is it worth it ?
12 M M My Lords , i it is important that whatever is taught to a child between the ages of five and eleven that the child is able to benefit from it educationally if the child is , is overloaded as it were by being presented erm a curriculum that they simply can not manage , then that 's going to create confusion , but it 's also important to say that one of the erm er objectives of this whole exercise is to underpin all education , both morally and spiritually and I believe we 're doing a great deal to get that right .
13 How the vision is communicated thus becomes as important as what is communicated .
14 Also , an employer must establish a method of selection for redundancy which is fair and which is applied reasonably in the case of each individual employee ( p 102 ) .
15 The year 1660 saw a major revolution in grave-clothes , indirectly leading to the firm establishment of undertaking as a distinct trade , the birth of a new industry and some additional work for the jobbing printer ; for in this year an Act came into force , which decreed that all persons had to be buried in shifts , shrouds and winding-sheets made of woollen material , rather than linen , and free from ‘ Flax , Hemp , Silk , Hair , Gold or Silver , or other than what is made of Sheeps Wooll only ’ .
16 If it is obvious to both of them that what the speaker has just said is false , or so obvious as to need no comment at all , the hearer will look for implications , that is to say what is implied other than what is expressed .
17 Here again we can ask what else we could possibly start from other than what is given , that is to say the evidence of our senses .
18 The housing stock which remains with the local authority tends to be less attractive than what is sold off , and much of it is less suitable for elderly people whose needs are for low-cost , good quality housing with ground-floor access in a safe and secure neighbourhood and close to good social support networks .
19 As Foucault and others have demonstrated , the interpretation of information in contemporary society follows a set of discursive criteria which determine what is classified as objectively true and what is seen as subjective opinion or fiction .
20 Equally , who is liable and what is meant by ’ occupier ’ must be beyond doubt in the new Bill .
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