Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb -s] in the " in BNC.

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1 Here the marginality is less transitory and occurs in the post-tribal situation where the concept of liminality is less familiar to the discipline , even though transitions across spatial and temporal boundaries still create epistemological changes of the kind Turner describes .
2 He traces the origins of contemporary attitudes to professionalism and public services , to the Victorian period , and argues that the model we have inherited is outmoded and stands in the way of improving professionally relationships .
3 What the Government are doing about the inspectorate is extremely foolish and flies in the face of its proud history .
4 Secondly , it is possible that costs in the longer term may be ignored .
5 Wait a few days till dumbo gets bored and strolls in the streets .
6 Love is subtle and grows in the heart only slowly and after long and painstaking work .
7 It is slim and fast and fits in the hand like it belongs there .
8 Book Week sets out every year to persuade children that life is not square and sits in the corner with knobs on .
9 He says it 's long and slimy and hides in the water waiting for anyone who might fall in . ’
10 But we do n't need or love you as an organ gone sour that stinks in the wind .
11 Details of the Soviet initiative were kept secret but reports in the German newspaper Bild ( Chancellor Helmut Kohl was noticeably the first foreign leader to be told about the proposal ) and elsewhere revealed its outline .
12 However , to rule out the possibility and say that there are no circumstances under which management or employees will be allowed to diverge and put together rival bids to be considered on their merits is unacceptable and flies in the face of what the Government are supposed to espouse — competition .
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